
Top 4 Biggest Pain Myths


Today I’m laying down a trail of bread crumbs that, if you follow it, might just lead you (or anyone you care about) to be pain-free, or far closer to it. So without further suspense, here are my Top 4 Biggest Pain MYTHS: “It’s better just to lie in bed.” It’s a common misbelief that the answer to pain is simply to rest it.  This one’s been debunked for a while actually - research shows that most painful conditions need some sort of movement in order to heal.  Movement helps blood flow, preserves muscle strength, and prevents fear that inhibits recovery. What type [...]

Top 4 Biggest Pain Myths2020-06-17T15:01:01-04:00

Try This Unusual Mood-Boosting Tip


Hola from Mexico! As I’m enjoying a little sun, sand, and fresh air on this family vacation (first one for baby Beverly), I decided to take a time-out to send you this little note. I'll keep this short and to the point: I just completed a wonderful little business book called The Go-Giver (Have you read it?  If so, comment and tell me your thoughts), and I thought I’d share the results of a really interesting study.  The study is not referenced in the book, but it’s related to the book’s premise. Researchers at the University of Michigan reported that older people [...]

Try This Unusual Mood-Boosting Tip2020-02-25T13:49:04-05:00

The Heart Health Secret Discovered Almost By Accident


February is Heart Month. As a chiropractor, I feel a special connection to the cause of heart health.  Let me explain: more than a hundred years ago one of the pioneers of chiropractic, D.D. Palmer had come across a patient with heart troubles that weren’t getting better.  When he examined his spine he noticed a displaced vertebrae pressing against the nerves connected to the heart. And when he adjusted it, the man instantly felt better. This was one of the first cases of a chiropractic adjustment.  From there, the science of chiropractic was developed. In the mid 90’s, Dr.'s Jarmel and [...]

The Heart Health Secret Discovered Almost By Accident2020-02-11T13:17:51-05:00

83-Yr-Old Gets Her Groove Back


Meet my patient Doreen. We started working together when she was 82, after we met at a retired persons association meeting where I’d given a talk. Like most people her age, she had several health concerns.  But with regular adjustments she soon found herself with an extra spring in her step.  Most notably, the stiff neck she’d suffered with for years had regained almost full range of motion. Watch this brief video to hear Doreen tell the story in her own words: Here’s what I love about this… Her body, at her age, still has the power to heal! Over [...]

83-Yr-Old Gets Her Groove Back2019-11-11T13:38:30-05:00

5 Rules For 100 Years of Quality Life


My title today sounds ambitious, it’s true. But I’ve never been more convinced that anyone can enjoy vibrant health and a high standard of life throughout a full 100-year lifespan.  We’re taught to think that we’re born, we live, then we get a disease and we die.  It doesn’t have to be that way!  I’m not saying you can live forever.  But you can live up to your potential throughout ALL your years. And it doesn’t have to be that hard. Here are 5 simple rules for 100-years of healthy life: Eat well. Kick the SAD (Standard American Diet) out of [...]

5 Rules For 100 Years of Quality Life2019-08-13T12:47:42-04:00

August is Kids Month annually!


The latest “Team Gelber production” is set to join our family next month.   One of the ways we’re celebrating this blessed event is with Kids’ Month here at Annex Family Chiropractic.  Spinal screenings used to happen in schools - checking for posture, scoliosis and more, but they stopped years ago, without warning, and without clarity as to why.   Anyway, here’s the deal:   For the month of August only, kids under 17 get a free exam.   Now you may be thinking, “What on earth could my young child have wrong with their spine that he or she would [...]

August is Kids Month annually!2019-07-29T12:23:25-04:00

Are achy joints just a fact of aging?


Hi everyone! This week I'm sharing some Q&A from daily patient interactions - the top questions I get about joints and aging:   QUESTION: I find as I’m getting older, my joints are getting achier.  Is this just a fact of aging, or is there something I can do about it? A: Actually my answer might surprise you. A lot of the typical aches and pains we gripe about as we get older are due to (a) wear and tear, and (b) a slow buildup of chronic low-grade inflammation.  And this CAN be controlled with good nutrition, supplementation, and fixing muscle [...]

Are achy joints just a fact of aging?2019-02-26T13:26:54-05:00
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