Anti-anxiety medication alternatives



Doesn’t is seem like everybody has been stressed out or on edge lately?  Between the ongoing restrictions and a super contentious election in the U.S., I’m getting frequent reports from patients, friends and colleagues of arguments and people snapping over little things. Myself included from time to time. Almost everyone is on pins and needles. Fact is, there is a pandemic within the pandemic. As a culture, we've had a mental health, drug, and alcohol addiction epidemic well before COVID hit.  Yet, in June, alcohol sales were up 250%, and mental health hotline calls up 800%. If more of us were willing [...]


A drugless life – the ongoing road to naturally better health Part 2


Back to Part 1 Part 2 - Disclaimer*** The author boldly shares about her mental health journey - it goes deep, it's personal, and the primary reason her identity is kept private.  Please enjoy her openness. Coping with Anxiety Being under regular chiropractic wellness care for the last 5 years, I like to think that I have a firm understanding of the different forms of stress (chemical-emotional-physical) and how they play a role in my overall health and well-being. I eat a fairly clean diet and exercise regularly, which, along with adjustments, help keep my mind clear and anxiety manageable.  However, [...]

A drugless life – the ongoing road to naturally better health Part 22016-09-14T10:00:44-04:00
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