Neck pain

What a Pain in the Neck! Chiropractic in Toronto


Neck pain is one of the reasons that many people start chiropractic care. However, you may not have realized all the benefits beyond relief. Or perhaps you’re in the other camp, nervous to have even a trained healthcare professional check your neck. This is a common concern that we’re happy to address as well. Let's explore how chiropractic adjustments benefit not just neck pain, but the intricate connection between the brain stem and spinal cord. Understanding the Crucial Connection At the core of chiropractic philosophy lies the acknowledgment of the brain stem's pivotal role in regulating essential bodily functions. Also called [...]

What a Pain in the Neck! Chiropractic in Toronto2024-02-23T10:29:39-05:00

Sleep Better Using This Free Website


If you’d like (or need!) some simple ways to sleep better, here’s a great free resource. My patient Georgia recently introduced me to this  According to the site, which is a not-for-profit run by sleep researchers at Dalhousie University, they have two goals: 1) to help people with insomnia get their sleep back without medications; and 2) to help people stop taking sleeping pills safely and effectively. After perusing the site, I can tell you it is a goldmine of great sleep insights! You’ll find tips, ideas, and strategies for better sleep, learn about the dangers of sleeping pills, and [...]

Sleep Better Using This Free Website2020-12-15T17:31:41-05:00

3 Simple Tips For Dealing With Neck Pain


With many folks working from home (and often with a makeshift home office setup) I have seen more neck and upper back pain complaints this year than in previous years. When you add the healthy dose of underlying stress we’ve all been dealt, it’s not hard to see why there are some tight neck muscles out there! Here are three keys to dealing with a – literal – pain in the neck: Stretch often. Frequent stretch breaks are the name of the game here.  Hit pause at regular intervals (every 30 to 60 minutes or so) to change positions and stop [...]

3 Simple Tips For Dealing With Neck Pain2021-06-25T02:40:43-04:00

Meet The Accustim: A New Tool For “Wow” Adjustments


Say hello to my little friend! (I couldn’t resist the reference!) The Accustim is a new adjusting tool I’ve recently added to my toolbox. I’ve already received MANY positive comments on its results and two patients have coined it the “woodpecker”. 😊 What’s it all about? Glad you asked. This simple device uses a series of tiny thrusts to help us chiropractors produce “wow” adjustments and potentially huge improvements in range of motion. And since it feels almost somewhat like a massage, it’s perfect for patients who find traditional adjustments too forceful…it jives with my “gentle” approach…AND it allows me to easily modulate [...]

Meet The Accustim: A New Tool For “Wow” Adjustments2020-09-22T13:19:37-04:00

Why I Chose My Primary Adjusting Technique


Here’s a little back story on how I came to do adjustments the Dr. Josh signature way: My preferred method is known as the Thompson Drop-Table Technique. Basically, while the patient is lying face down, the cushions on the table drop slightly when a thrust is applied to the spine.  I find subluxations, weak/stress points, distressed areas, and where to adjust you by checking (and comparing) leg length. I’ve honed this technique for the better part of my career.  More recently though, I’ve reintroduced a few spare techniques and tools when we aren’t achieving the best results – and it may involve a [...]

Why I Chose My Primary Adjusting Technique2020-06-09T14:26:13-04:00

Headaches: Common But Not Normal


With the weather getting warmer (thank you!), migraine sufferers especially might notice an uptick in the frequency of their migraines. But headaches affect almost everyone at some point.  Rare for some, constant for others. Those of you who’ve had tremendous relief and remission from headaches can attest to the suffering you used to have. Let’s take a brief look at a few reasons for this. Tension headaches: They're by far the most common type of headache, and they’re often connected with muscle tension in the neck.  Sedentary living, excess sitting, and more time spent hunched over a computer or phone are all possible [...]

Headaches: Common But Not Normal2020-06-02T14:21:29-04:00

How To Avoid Neck Or Back Pain From Yard Work


In my last email I mentioned we’re making our backyard more hospitable for extended homestays. This is going to require a little landscaping and other forms of yard work.  I even got Hayden in on the fun this week.  Here’s a peak behind-the-scenes: Well, it turns out I’m not the only one who had this idea. I guess with most of us being stuck at home, and the weather getting warmer (fingers crossed), some of my colleagues this week reported more “essential” visits from patients who were hit with neck or back pain from yard work or gardening. So here are a [...]

How To Avoid Neck Or Back Pain From Yard Work2020-04-21T13:31:15-04:00

The “Unseen” Perils Of Travel


From the category of health risks you might not have considered… I enjoyed a lovely vacation with the family in Mexico last week.  Lots of sunny fun.  Here are the cute pics I wasn’t able to load for you last week with the subpar resort Wi-Fi: Here’s why this is important for you: While the bed in the hotel was decent, I did “pay the price” of the temporary sleeping arrangements each morning with daily albeit mild stiffness. And I’m generally healthy; for anyone with pre-existing symptoms, or travelers who are a bit older – even if otherwise in good shape [...]

The “Unseen” Perils Of Travel2020-03-03T14:03:15-05:00

How To Read Your Body’s Pain Signals


Pain comes in many forms. Is it local muscular or joint pain?  Or is it NERVE pain?  Having at least a hunch about what kind of pain it is empowers you to know where to turn for help.  Here are a few guidelines to help you “make sense” of what’s happening to your body…especially since MD’s often don’t know or don’t help isolate the source of pain. Muscle Pain Muscle pain typically shows up as a big dull ache or a feeling of tightness, and might even feel 'general' in nature.  Another way to think about this is the pain is [...]

How To Read Your Body’s Pain Signals2020-01-14T11:55:53-05:00

Prevent “Tech Neck” With This Simple Exercise


“Those who think they have not time for bodily exercise will sooner or later have to find time for illness.” - Edward Smith-Stanley Hi all, Today I’ve got another great resource for you. A big shout out goes out to my patient Jackie for sharing this site with me: Its creator, Katy Bowman, is a biomechanist and best-selling author. Here’s a quote from her I found interesting: ==== “I propose that movement, like food, is not optional; that ailments you may be experiencing are simply (and complexly) symptoms of movement hunger in response to a movement diet that is dangerously [...]

Prevent “Tech Neck” With This Simple Exercise2019-12-03T14:00:10-05:00
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