pain relief

4 Gentle Exercises For Low Back Pain


With many folks more sedentary these days (and working in ad hoc home office setups), low back pain complaints are all too common.To make matters worse, our first instinct is often to do nothing, and rest. While this may make sense in acute cases or during flare-ups, avoiding exercise can lead to a cycle of weaker muscles and MORE pain in the long run.Here, then, are 4 gentle full-body moves you can do to lessen the pain over time (Note: If you can’t quite picture how any of the above exercises go, each exercise is linked to a YouTube search for [...]

4 Gentle Exercises For Low Back Pain2021-02-09T19:59:53-05:00

Top 4 Biggest Pain Myths


Today I’m laying down a trail of bread crumbs that, if you follow it, might just lead you (or anyone you care about) to be pain-free, or far closer to it. So without further suspense, here are my Top 4 Biggest Pain MYTHS: “It’s better just to lie in bed.” It’s a common misbelief that the answer to pain is simply to rest it.  This one’s been debunked for a while actually - research shows that most painful conditions need some sort of movement in order to heal.  Movement helps blood flow, preserves muscle strength, and prevents fear that inhibits recovery. What type [...]

Top 4 Biggest Pain Myths2020-06-17T15:01:01-04:00

How To Read Your Body’s Pain Signals


Pain comes in many forms. Is it local muscular or joint pain?  Or is it NERVE pain?  Having at least a hunch about what kind of pain it is empowers you to know where to turn for help.  Here are a few guidelines to help you “make sense” of what’s happening to your body…especially since MD’s often don’t know or don’t help isolate the source of pain. Muscle Pain Muscle pain typically shows up as a big dull ache or a feeling of tightness, and might even feel 'general' in nature.  Another way to think about this is the pain is [...]

How To Read Your Body’s Pain Signals2020-01-14T11:55:53-05:00

Heat Or Ice? (The Answer Might Surprise You)


Today's quick tip might come as a shock to you. I say that because most patients I talk to are confused about this. When you have an acute injury or pain, what should you reach for first, heat or ice?  Most patients think it’s heat.  And while heat can help in easing tense muscles, the answer is [drum roll please]… ICE. Job #1 in any flare up or sudden pain is controlling inflammation and encouraging proper blood flow.  This is what ice does.  It constricts the blood vessels so the swelling can go down and, when removed, allows them to expand [...]

Heat Or Ice? (The Answer Might Surprise You)2019-08-06T12:34:39-04:00

My new secret weapon against pain


“Healing is a matter of time, but it’s sometimes also a matter of opportunity.” – Hippocrates I was reading about a plan by Space X to deploy thousands of small satellites and blanket the planet with internet access – especially for those 3.5 billion or so people who lack a regular, high-quality connection. It’s ambitious (some would say far-fetched), but if it works…The possibilities are wondrous.   I’ve often taught about the nervous system by comparing it to a communications network. If there are subluxations, signals get blocked.  Your body’s command center can’t do its job.  Sometimes, under these conditions, pain [...]

My new secret weapon against pain2019-05-14T15:04:40-04:00

How to Prevent Neck Pain During Cycling


Getting pain from a cycling session can be frustrating. You are trying to improve your skill and you end up with neck pain, putting you out for the next cycling day. Neck pain from this sport is really common and is usually caused from weak muscles or poor posture. It’s not hard to overuse your muscles and injuring yourself. Sometimes it’s just a matter of choosing a better bike fit or changing your posture just slightly. You don’t have to give up your favorite hobby due to that neck pain you keep getting. Use this guide to determine what’s causing your [...]

How to Prevent Neck Pain During Cycling2018-05-02T18:00:26-04:00

Chiropractic Care for Treating Disc Problems


Do you suffer with disc problems that are causing pain in your spine and other areas? Disc problems can really burden the sufferer between the stiffness in the back, the pain in different areas, and the tingling and weakness affecting the nerves. Chiropractors are constantly seeing people needing treatment for disc herniation and bulging disc problems. Take a look at what it means to have a disc problem and how chiropractors are treating them. What do spinal discs do? Spinal discs are those spongy pads that live on the spinal column between your vertebrae. These discs are flat, sensitive, circular capsules [...]

Chiropractic Care for Treating Disc Problems2017-05-24T19:44:36-04:00
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