While the Mediterranean Diet may be well-known for benefits, such as helping your waistline and your heart, it may have other benefits you’re unaware of. This type of diet isn’t hard to shop for at a grocery store and contains plenty of nutrient-packed foods. It’s actually an older diet plan coming from the way people used to and still do eat in Spain, Italy, Turkey and Greece.
Not only will the Mediterranean diet provide all seven benefits found on this list, but it’s also a very tasty way to eat. If you’ve been searching for a new diet plan you can actually sustain, consider the benefits gained from the Mediterranean Diet.
Type 2 Diabetes Protection
One of the major benefits you gain from practicing the Mediterranean diet is protection from type 2 diabetes. Since the diet includes many foods rich in fiber, it helps to slow down your digestion and keep your blood sugar from going haywire.
Increases Longevity
One of the best-known benefits of the Mediterranean diet is an increase in longevity. Those practicing the diet as a way of life reduce their chances of developing cancer or heart disease. Studies have actually shown, those following the Mediterranean diet have a 20% less chance of dying, regardless of age.
Better Bone Health
One of the newest benefits discovered about the Mediterranean Diet is better bone health. A study showed the quality of bone health in postmenopausal women improved after following the Mediterranean diet. This article details how the diet has proven to help with bone health.
Great for Healthy Weight Loss
When you want to lose weight, you often choose a diet leaving you hungry and irritated. The Mediterranean diet won’t do that. It will provide the healthy benefit of helping you lose weight, but will also allow you to feel fuller. Since the diet is sustainable, it becomes a way of life instead of just a fad diet you practice for a month and forget about.
Protects Cognitive Health
Following the Mediterranean diet has been shown to help with treating Parkinson’s disease and reduces the risk of Alzheimer’s. It’s an excellent choice for preserving your memory and helping keep your mind sharp.
Help you Stay Agile
The nutrients found in foods consumed when following the Mediterranean diet may help to reduce muscle weakness in seniors. This diet has also show to help with other signs of frailty.
Great for Relaxation and Relieving Stress
Those suffering from chronic stress often don’t live the quality of life they want. Following the Mediterranean diet has proven to reduce stress and help you relax. Eating at a slower pace and eating local foods nearly every day helps with your mood. Of course, adding in regular physical activity will also help to reduce stress.
Whether you’re worried you might be at risk for disease or you just want to shed a few pounds in a healthy way, the Mediterranean diet may be the answer. It’s a wonderful way to eat, live and remain happy without feeling hungry or like you’re stuck hating what you eat. If you want to diet in a better way, make the Mediterranean diet your new lifestyle choice.