When Chiropractic Care Doesn’t Work
“Chiropractic won’t work for me.” “I got adjusted, and it didn’t do any good.” Our mindsets play a big role in our health. We may come to a doctor, or even a gym or nutritionist with certain expectations. You may anticipate certain results if you’ve been referred or have heard great things about a particular field, such as chiropractic. Or maybe your mindset is rooted in desperation and exhaustion. If [...]
Chicken Soup for The Chiro’s Soul
Last week was a heavy one; this week I feel clearer and more positive, especially when I remembered this: I once heard Jack Canfield, co-author of the best-selling Chicken Soup for the [...]
3 Spring Workout Mistakes
Spring has sprung! There are two things you can be sure of: (1) there’s even more construction going on than usual. And (2) people are coming out of hibernation in droves and realizing [...]
“Little” Health Devils That Hide In The Details
Ok, so it’s been a tough few weeks. I'm clear and aware I'm sharing this week from a passionate and emotional headspace, but on the mark based on so many conversations I have [...]
The real reason too much sitting is bad for you
Amy Cuddy has a great TED talk on the power of body language. You can find it on YouTube if you’re curious. One cool thing she reveals is that two minutes of “power [...]
4 Anti-Inflammatory Food Swaps
Did you know that food allergies, digestive issues, and other inflammatory conditions can prevent you from burning fat and achieving the kind of health you want? Do you ever experience any of [...]
4 Tips to Help You Sleep Like A Baby
There’s an old joke that goes: “When I was going through [insert life event here] I slept like a baby…I woke up every two hours and cried.” Today’s tips are true to the [...]
Are achy joints just a fact of aging?
Hi everyone! This week I'm sharing some Q&A from daily patient interactions - the top questions I get about joints and aging: QUESTION: I find as I’m getting older, my joints are [...]
I had a meltdown last week
A couple of weeks ago my wife got sick. I mean this was the worst cold she’s had in about eight years – sneezing, heavy-duty dry cough, the whole nine. About a week later [...]
Why is your Achilles Causing You Pain?
Are you suffering from pain in your Achilles? This could be because you engage in physical activities like sports or physical labor in your line of work that requires repetitive motion in the [...]