
Chiropractic care helps relieve problems due to pregnancy


Many physiological and biomechanical changes occur over the course of pregnancy. Neuro-musculoskeletal symptoms may arise, such as low back pain, edema, and numbness and tingling. Many pregnant women seek out natural forms of therapy as opposed to pharmaceutical interventions to promote the wellbeing of the fetus.   A 28 year old nulliparous woman is experiencing neuro-musculoskeletal symptoms 33 weeks into gestation. She presents tingling and numbness in her right hand which is aggravated by her work as a church organist. The patient also seeks care and relief of her swollen right leg and low back pain. Her chiropractic care started off [...]

Chiropractic care helps relieve problems due to pregnancy2017-04-17T15:26:56-04:00

What does Type 2 diabetes have to do with my spine?


Insulin is a hormone that is responsible for storing energy in the body in the form of glycogen. This is accomplished by the absorption of glucose from the bloodstream, which is then converted and stored in fat, muscle, and liver cells. When insulin activity is disrupted, the likely culprit is Diabetes mellitus (DM). DM may be separated into three categories: Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus (T1DM), Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (T2DM), and Gestational Diabetes Mellitus (GDM). T1DM causes an individual’s immune system to attack insulin-producing cells and is thus considered an auto-immune disorder. Patients with T1DM tend to be very young and [...]

What does Type 2 diabetes have to do with my spine?2017-03-23T17:41:42-04:00

Chiropractic Care Can Resolve Neck Pain and Headaches in People with Dandy Walker Syndrome


Dandy Walker Syndrome (DWS) is a rare group of brain malformations that happen during birth. If you or anyone you know suffers from any or multiple symptoms that could be a result of DWS, chiropractic care can help.  DWS involves the cerebellum, which controls movement. Therefore, the symptoms that commonly affect patients include slow motor development, enlargement of the skull, irritability, vomiting and convulsions.  A 13 year old female went to see the chiropractor for the first time and complained of right sided headaches, neck pain and low back discomfort. Her history showed that she had been diagnosed with DWS since [...]

Chiropractic Care Can Resolve Neck Pain and Headaches in People with Dandy Walker Syndrome2017-03-17T17:39:03-04:00

How Chiropractic Care Can Slow Down Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis (AIS) Progression


Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis can be associated with headaches, breathing and pain throughout the body including back, neck, hip and knee pain. If you suffer from any or multiple of these scoliosis related symptoms, chiropractic care can help.  About 1-3% of children between the ages of 10-16 are affected by AIS. It is usually defined as a lateral curve of the spine that is bigger than 10 degrees, as well as rotation of the vertebra. While a typical spine will represent a straight line, those with scoliosis can expect to see more of an “S” or “C” shape in an x-ray. While [...]

How Chiropractic Care Can Slow Down Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis (AIS) Progression2017-03-09T21:00:02-05:00

Chiropractic care significantly improved an older male subject’s anxiety and hypertension.


If you or anyone you know suffers from hypertension and/or anxiety, chiropractic care has been shown to significantly reduce both conditions. Chiropractic helps lower blood pressure Anxiety disorders are among the most common mental illnesses among individuals in North America. These anxiety disorders are associated with dread or fear about certain events in the future. This anxiety can essentially take over one’s thoughts and emotions and find it difficult to concentrate, sleep and experience irritability and muscle tension. Hypertension is an accumulation of high blood pressure over a longer period of time. A correlation between hypertension and anxiety has [...]

Chiropractic care significantly improved an older male subject’s anxiety and hypertension.2017-01-26T20:28:29-05:00

A drugless life – the ongoing road to naturally better health Part 4


Back to Part 3 Striking a balance As a woman, there are certain symptoms that the medical community will tell you are “normal.” We are brought up to believe that monthly menstrual pain and the other less than comfortable and emotional “joys” that go along with it, are simply a fact of life if you are a woman. There’s even a biblical fable taught to children in religious school to justify it. When I first got my period as a teenager, I was not prepared for the severe cramping, back and leg pain and nausea that would greet me every month. [...]

A drugless life – the ongoing road to naturally better health Part 42016-10-25T22:20:20-04:00

A drugless life – the ongoing road to naturally better health Part 3


Back to Part 2 Symptoms, an “alternative” mindset, diagnosis and acceptance I like to think I lead a fairly healthy lifestyle. Sure, there are nights when I go to bed way too late after having a little too much wine, and days when I might choose a sleep-in instead of an early morning workout at the gym. Or the odd night when I’m too tired to cook and have failed to plan meals in advance and instead, order takeout. But for the most part, on weeknights at least, I’m in bed by 9 and up at 5 for an early morning [...]

A drugless life – the ongoing road to naturally better health Part 32016-10-05T15:23:26-04:00

A drugless life – the ongoing road to naturally better health Part 2


Back to Part 1 Part 2 - Disclaimer*** The author boldly shares about her mental health journey - it goes deep, it's personal, and the primary reason her identity is kept private.  Please enjoy her openness. Coping with Anxiety Being under regular chiropractic wellness care for the last 5 years, I like to think that I have a firm understanding of the different forms of stress (chemical-emotional-physical) and how they play a role in my overall health and well-being. I eat a fairly clean diet and exercise regularly, which, along with adjustments, help keep my mind clear and anxiety manageable.  However, [...]

A drugless life – the ongoing road to naturally better health Part 22016-09-14T10:00:44-04:00

A drugless life – the ongoing road to naturally better health – Part 1


I’ve got a practice member. She’s pretty remarkable – remarkable as in life has thrown her a lot of trauma mentally, emotionally, physically, and chemically.  While she has struggled at many times to just make it through the day, she continues to come out on top, not succumb to a world of negativity and hopelessness, and sift through the diagnoses, prescriptions, suggestions and recommendations many have given her to come out SAFER and HEALTHIER, by avoiding the many substances that can mess with our ability to live a “normal” life. She has claimed chiropractic has saved her in many cases –I [...]

A drugless life – the ongoing road to naturally better health – Part 12016-09-01T07:49:28-04:00
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