
Keeping athletes in the game with Chiropractic


History has shown us that Chiropractic is widely recognized in the athletic arena. Professional sports teams understand the importance of retaining a team Chiropractor who can attend to players on the sidelines during games.  The list of examples is endless (golf pros, MMA fighters, hockey players, extreme snowboarders, etc.).  Whether an athlete is on a team or participating in an individual sport, Chiropractic has probably played a role in their athletic development.  There is a staggering amount of evidence and research that supports the effectiveness of Chiropractic, but it is even more telling to note just how many athletes depend on [...]

Keeping athletes in the game with Chiropractic2013-04-08T10:11:49-04:00

Kids Who Exercise Are Less Likely to Have Fractures in Old Age


It turns out that strengthening bone to avoid fractures starts at a very young age. Physical activity, such as the exercise children get in school gym classes, is important for fighting obesity, but the latest research suggests it may help to keep bones strong as well. Researchers found that children in the group that exercised daily reported 72 fractures, while those who didn't recorded 143 fractures. Those who were physically active for 40 minutes a day also showed higher bone density in the spine compared with those who did not exercise as much. Bone density is an indication of bone strength, and [...]

Kids Who Exercise Are Less Likely to Have Fractures in Old Age2013-03-30T08:53:57-04:00

Chiropractic can help all, including giraffes!


Giraffes and humans have at least 2 things in common: they both have 7 bones (vertebrae) in their neck, and they both benefit from receive Chiropractic care. A 2-yr-old male giraffe, suffering from severe mid-neck torticollis received a series of Chiropractic adjustments to help restore proper neck mobility. Laser therapy and cervical range of motion exercises were also used to reduce cervical muscle tightness. The combined application of these therapies produced marked clinical improvement. Original Article

Chiropractic can help all, including giraffes!2013-03-20T19:03:56-04:00

Dwelling On Stressful Events Can Increase Inflammation in the Body


Dwelling on negative events can increase levels of inflammation in the body, a new Ohio University study finds. Researchers discovered that when study participants were asked to ruminate on a stressful incident, their levels of C-reactive protein, a marker of tissue inflammation, rose. The study is the first time to directly measure this effect in the body. The study showed that those people who focused on a stressful even, the levels of the inflammatory marker continued to rise for at least one hour. Compared to people who thought of more relaxing events, the marker returned to starting levels. More and more, [...]

Dwelling On Stressful Events Can Increase Inflammation in the Body2013-03-18T20:33:45-04:00

All-day energy, every day


More of us are struggling with energy issues, experts say; they point to the weak economy, which has us working harder and plugging in longer, and the belief that we can have it all (so what if we're up till midnight making it happen?). "I'm seeing so many women who think of themselves as machines that can run nonstop, and they're living with this deep fatigue," says psychologist Michelle Segar, associate director of the Sport, Health, and Activity Research and Policy Center for Women and Girls at the University of Michigan. "Just like houseplants need water, our energy reserves need regular [...]

All-day energy, every day2013-03-09T09:59:20-05:00

Ever feel like there are happier souls around you? Want a sneak peak into why, and the habits that keep them there?


By: Jacob Sokol “I’d always believed that a life of quality, enjoyment, and wisdom were my human birthright and would be automatically bestowed upon me as time passed.  I never suspected that I would have to learn how to live - that there were specific disciplines and ways of seeing the world I had to master before I could awaken to a simple, happy, uncomplicated life.” -Dan Millman     Studies conducted by positivity psychologist Sonja Lyubomirsky point to 12 things happy people do differently to increase their levels of happiness.  These are things that we can start doing today to [...]

Ever feel like there are happier souls around you? Want a sneak peak into why, and the habits that keep them there?2013-01-06T07:02:12-05:00

Learning to live a healthy lifestyle improves your overall life expectancy.


10 Tips for a healthy Lifestyle:   x     1. Drinking 500ml of beetroot juice could reduce blood pressure     2. Thinking outside the box; without making an excuse, and do something healthy     3. Don’t take the biscuit (ex. chocolate chips cookies)     4. Embracing good health- hug a friend of your partner for 20 seconds to reduce blood pressure and level of stress hormone cortisol. High levels of cortisol have been linked to heart disease and other conditions such as diabetes.     5. Cut down on salt to no more than 6grams a day [...]

Learning to live a healthy lifestyle improves your overall life expectancy.2012-12-30T10:50:07-05:00

Step Outside Your Comfort Zone: Yoga, Running & Life


"Here's an account of an avid runner trying something new! A great statement of what many of us think about, but don't follow through with" ~ Dr Joshua Gelber   I never thought I’d say this, but I went to a yoga class today. A real yoga class, with mats and music and mantra chanting and sweat and everything you’d imagine would come along with doing yoga in a studio. You see, my wife Erin is a yoga instructor and has been a yogini for about as long as I have been a serious runner. She also runs, but until today I’d [...]

Step Outside Your Comfort Zone: Yoga, Running & Life2012-12-21T07:53:59-05:00



Disconnect begets disaster – whether it be separation anxiety from a broken relationship, restricted nerve flow from vertebral subluxation or a mind unplugged from reality, induced by pharmaceutical stupor.  In the state of disconnect, we operate dangerously below our God purposed potential. No one can truly understand the disconnect that initiated the events in Newtown last week.  It is difficult to apply logic and rationale to an illogical, heinous act.  We can only wonder had the source disconnect been exposed and the appropriate RE-connect been made, would events have played out differently. For the victims and families of Sandy Hook, we [...]

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