
Here is a handy guide to scoliosis for all the parents out there! It’s thorough!


SCOLIOSIS CARE F O U N D A T I O N Parent’s Guide to Scoliosis Supporting research & education for non-surgical treatment of scoliosis A Practical Guide For Identifying the Early Signs of Scoliosis   http://www.scoliosissystems.com/ParentsGuideToScoliosis.pdf  

Here is a handy guide to scoliosis for all the parents out there! It’s thorough!2012-11-12T07:22:43-05:00

“Chiropractic & Daylight Savings Time…”


Both leave you with LESS LIGHT… get it?   The primary purpose of Chiropractic is to locate and correct subluxations.  When you break the word down into its roots, SUB-LUX-ATION you get this… "SUB" – means less than, or lower than normal "LUX" – is Latin for LIGHT and "ATION" – is a state of being, or a condition The literal definition of subluxation is a state or condition of less LIGHT or power.  Subluxations occur when spinal bones misalign and restrict the normal flow of “light” through the spinal cord and nerves.  The effect… your body gets less of the [...]

“Chiropractic & Daylight Savings Time…”2012-11-05T07:26:23-05:00

Anti-Inflammatory Diet & Supplements


What do chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, arthritis pain, some headaches, malaise, obesity,inflammation, intestinal bloating, cancer and mental disorders have in common? It’s not a virus or germ, it’s not a vitamin deficiency, nor is it a case of bad genetics. What the common denominator is will surprise you—grain-based foods and beverages! David Seaman, DC, MA in nutrition studies the world of nutrition, researches the major nutritional journals, and runs a nutrition-based practice, and his premise is that “you eat inflammation” that causes these degenerative disorders that he blames on eating grain-derived foods—breads, cakes, cereals, beer, pizza, pretzels, cookies, etc. These “food-driven” symptoms also include fatigue and [...]

Anti-Inflammatory Diet & Supplements2012-10-31T16:40:34-04:00

Here are some useful tips to avoid neck pain:


Do you walk around with knots in your neck? Do your shoulder muscles feel tight and stiff? A pain in the neck – and shoulders – is not uncommon for people who sit too long at a desk or in a car, lift and carry a baby around, strain under the weight of groceries, a heavy purse or a briefcase, or simply deal with too much stress. And that list covers just about all of us.   Many of the activities in our daily life involve lifting our shoulders up – which compresses the muscles and soft tissue around the neck [...]

Here are some useful tips to avoid neck pain:2012-10-25T07:16:35-04:00

Worried about having back pain? Here are 5 important things to know about back pain:


By: Pam Harrison It happens to almost every adult on the planet. You bend to retrieve something off the floor and suddenly a stabbing pain in the small of your lower back, where your lumbar vertebrae are located, tells you you've done something terribly wrong. "At least 80 per cent of people, if not more, will get a backache at some point in their lifetime," confirms Cathy Christie, a physiotherapist with Doug Christie Physiotherapy in Winnipeg.   Here's what you need to know about lower back pain.   1. Symptoms can vary from mild to almost disabling. You may suffer a [...]

Worried about having back pain? Here are 5 important things to know about back pain:2012-10-24T06:52:13-04:00

“Blow it Out on Your Own…”


You wouldn’t call the fire department to blow out a candle, or an electrician to change a light bulb. Those are simple tasks you can handle on your own.  Yet every day, people call on a specialist or expert for healing a problem their ‘doctor on the inside’ could easily take care of as well. Maybe it's lack of understanding, fear of the unknown or concern it could be something life threatening.  Overkill is the norm in the today’s medical world.  Over testing, over diagnosing, over treating… all done for the sake of ‘thoroughness.’  In reality, all it does is strike [...]

“Blow it Out on Your Own…”2012-10-22T07:32:48-04:00

“Blow it Out on Your Own…”


You wouldn’t call the fire department to blow out a candle, or an electrician to change a light bulb.  Those are simple tasks you can handle on your own.  Yet every day, people call on a specialist or expert for healing a problem their ‘doctor on the inside’ could easily take care of as well. Maybe it's lack of understanding, fear of the unknown or concern it could be something life threatening.  Overkill is the norm in the today’s medical world.  Over testing, over diagnosing, over treating… all done for the sake of ‘thoroughness.’  In reality, all it does is strike [...]

“Blow it Out on Your Own…”2012-10-22T07:26:16-04:00

How to Take a Yoga Break at Work


By Alison Smith If you work a 9 to 5 job, it can be challenging to find the time and the motivation to attend yoga classes regularly. You’re at work during most class times, and in the evenings, you’re probably drained, hungry and ready to relax. But you know you need yoga to soothe your aches and pains, relieve stress, and improve your health. So what can you do? I recommend taking “Yoga Breaks,” a few minutes of breathing and movement several times a day to balance your body, clear your mind, and boost your energy. It’s not the same as [...]

How to Take a Yoga Break at Work2012-10-18T07:18:04-04:00

“Clean Garbage Cans Don’t Attract Flies…”


Ever notice that flies like to congregate around dirty, neglected garbage cans?  You don’t usually see them swarming near clean ones.  The same can be said for germs, bugs and viruses. Germs are like flies… they’re opportunistic.  Give them a dirty place to settle and they’ll multiply. Provide a weak host and they’ll take advantage.  But that’s not the case in clean, well kept environments.  BJ Palmer, the developer of Chiropractic said ‘if the germ theory was true, we would all be dead…’  He recognized that germs thrive in dis-eased (Subluxated) individuals who can’t fight back, not healthy strong ones.  If [...]

“Clean Garbage Cans Don’t Attract Flies…”2012-10-15T07:24:12-04:00

“Nothing Organic about the Flu Shot…”


Spray pesticides on an apple and it's no longer organic.  Add a drop of oil to a glass of spring water and it's no longer pure.  Most Americans detest the idea of dumping chemicals in a pristine, natural environment.  But why not have the same aversion when it comes to getting the flu shot? Maybe it's because you don't realize what's in it: Mercury (a known neurotoxin in the form of Thimerisol), Glycol (a component in antifreeze) and Formaldehyde (the stuff they preserve cadavers with).  If you dumped those chemicals in your local water supply you'd get arrested.  But every year, [...]

“Nothing Organic about the Flu Shot…”2012-10-09T05:57:28-04:00
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