Tip on how to get you active
Dr. Joshua Gelber2012-08-31T07:02:57-04:00Choose a variety of physical activities you enjoy. Try different activities until you find the ones that feel right for you.
Toronto Chiropractor: 738 Spadina Ave, Ste. 206, Toronto, ON, M5S 2J8416.967.4466
Choose a variety of physical activities you enjoy. Try different activities until you find the ones that feel right for you.
"When health is absent Wisdom cannot reveal itself, Art cannot become manifest, Strength cannot be exerted, Wealth is useless and Reason is powerless." ~Herophilies, 300 B.C.
Ever drive lost for miles and miles before stopping for directions? Before the advent of GPS, that was pretty common. When you finally discovered how off course you were, you most likely had to re-trace the roads you were on to get back on track. Getting lost with your health is similar. If you've 'traveled' the wrong way for miles and miles with your health – popping pills to mask your pain or searching endlessly for the right pillow – when you finally stop at a Chiropractor's office to get good directions, you might have to retrace those lost miles with intensive care to get back on track. But the good news is, you [...]
In case you get a flat, the temporary "donut" in your trunk is meant to get you off the road and to the nearest service station for proper repair ASAP. Manufacturer's instructions warn you to take it slow and easy when driving on them - those tiny tires aren't designed to withstand the load of normal driving. But regardless of that warning, you've probably seen some idiot speeding down the highway on one, oblivious to the potential risks. Some people treat their health that way. When they get an injury or a health problem they mask their symptoms with 'spare tire' medication, all the while continuing the activities that [...]
#27 – Dropping 420 lbs on your head at the Olympics. Can you imagine gold medalist weight lifter Matthias Steiner's next Chiropractic visit… 'hey doc, my neck’s sore and I’ve been getting these bad headaches. Think it could be my pillow?” The father of Chiropractic, D.D. Palmer recognized 3 ‘T’s as being the major cause of nerve interference (aka Subluxation): Trauma, Toxins and Thoughts. The first 'T' is pretty obvious, but many patients overlook the last two. TOXINS come in the form of pesticides, artificial additives in our food, cigarette smoke and the most common of all, pharmaceuticals (yes, drugs are foreign to the body and put added stress [...]
1. The approximate onset of chiropractic care (date) September 2011. 2. The problems, symptoms or ailments you were troubled with prior to chiropractic care: Mainly pain in the upper neck region leading to headaches and discomfort while sleeping and during neck straining activities such as reading or studying. 3. The number of weeks, months or years you had these problems: Was on and off for about a couple months. 4. The number of doctors seen and the type of drugs taken (if any) for these problems: None. 5. The extent to which your normal life was interrupted [...]
… do you have to eat it for the rest of your Life? The answer is obviously no, unless your parents still have an iron grip on your diet. No one can force you to do something that's good for your health and your Life if you don't want to. If you don't want to renew that gym membership, go to yoga classes or reduce your stress with meditation, that's up to you. Don't feel like watching your sugar intake or taking your vitamins, the choice is yours to reap the benefits or face the consequences. And the same goes for your Chiropractic care. That rumor [...]
“To manifest and achieve abundance, you must achieve congruence- a condition where all parts of you are in alignment. The three key parts you must align are desire, belief, and self-acceptance.DESIRE- you must want it BELIEF- you must believe that you can have the life of your dreams.SELF-ACCEPTANCE- you must believe that you deserve success.”Dr. Gilles Lamarche , DC
If your hand was taped in one position for years, and someone cut the tape off and tried to move it, what do you think would happen? Your hand would snap back to the position it was stuck in for all that time. But with repetition - normal movement and alignment can be restored. The same goes for your spine. When vertebrae are misaligned and stuck chronically over time (subluxated), supporting muscles and ligaments tend to 'hold' them in that position. The first time a Chiropractor tries to adjust it, just like the taped hand, the vertebrae may shift back to the old position it was stuck in. That's why 'one and done' rarely works [...]
"I love the key word here: Choice. This article may hit home for many readers, that some of our actions are simply a "go with the flow" response, rather than a pure choice to be confident, happy, and emotionally successful" ____________ We tell ourselves, sometimes, that living a transformed life isn’t that important, that it’s enough just to get by. We get wrapped up in our own concerns, particular points of view, or positions, and the idea of getting ourselves to a place where things can be great seems too big an undertaking. If somebody had a magic powder to come [...]
Some of the most common reasons people like you seek help from, with Dr. Gelber.
Neck pain, Lower back pain, Headaches, Stress, Upper back or mid back pain, Shoulder, arm, and wrist pain, Auto, work, or sports injuries, Sciatica and pinched nerve pain, Pediatric and Pregnancy care, Knees, feet and ankle pain, Wellness and physical performance care
3:00 pm – 6:30 pm
9:30 am – 12:30 pm
3:00 pm – 6:30 pm
9:30 am – 12:30 pm
3:00 pm- 6:30 pm
8:15 am – 12:00 pm
Available Alternate Saturdays,
by Appointment
9:30 am – 11:00 am
Annex Family Chiropractic
738 Spadina Ave, Ste. 206
Toronto, On, M5S 2J8
Tel: 416-967-4466
We are conveniently located in midtown Toronto.
Call 416-967-4466 for an appointment so we can get to know each other. I look forward to meeting you.
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