
How Chiropractic Care Can Help Relieve Your Migraines by Restoring Nervous System Function


If you’re reading this, you’re probably struggling with migraines and looking for a solution that actually works. I’m Dr. Joshua Gelber from Annex Family Chiropractic in Toronto, and I’ve seen many patients find relief from migraines in an often overlooked way: by focusing on restoring your nervous system function. What Are Migraines and How Do They Affect Your Nervous System? Migraines are more than just bad headaches. You might also experience nausea, sensitivity to light and sound, and even visual disturbances. While the exact cause of migraines isn't fully understood, they’re believed to be linked to abnormal brain activity that affects [...]

How Chiropractic Care Can Help Relieve Your Migraines by Restoring Nervous System Function2024-07-02T16:34:05-04:00

Got Headaches? 5 Natural tips and tricks to help you avoid overmedicating.


"Not tonight honey, I've got a headache."  This line permeates my easily humoured mind whenever the word headache comes up, but in fact is a great reminder that for many of you out there, life comes to a complete HALT when a headache shows up: "I feel like my head is being squeezed (in a vice)", or, "I need a dark room. NOW" are never something to laugh or scoff at. I have conversations and comments shared about headaches every week in practice, and even outside of that through social connections - I hear a LOT about headaches.  And while they [...]

Got Headaches? 5 Natural tips and tricks to help you avoid overmedicating.2018-08-16T18:37:02-04:00

A drugless life – the ongoing road to naturally better health – Part 1


I’ve got a practice member. She’s pretty remarkable – remarkable as in life has thrown her a lot of trauma mentally, emotionally, physically, and chemically.  While she has struggled at many times to just make it through the day, she continues to come out on top, not succumb to a world of negativity and hopelessness, and sift through the diagnoses, prescriptions, suggestions and recommendations many have given her to come out SAFER and HEALTHIER, by avoiding the many substances that can mess with our ability to live a “normal” life. She has claimed chiropractic has saved her in many cases –I [...]

A drugless life – the ongoing road to naturally better health – Part 12016-09-01T07:49:28-04:00
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