Chiropractic Adjustment

Thinking Better with Chiropractic?


A patient passed on this great link from "Natural" - written by a chiropractor with some great research links. Thought you'd like it! Chiropractic boosts brain-body coordination

Thinking Better with Chiropractic?2011-02-01T08:06:31-05:00

Ear Infections & Children


According to the figures released by the National Association of Teachers, over 35% of all school aged children have been diagnosed and labeled disabled (including physical, mental and emotional disorders, as well as learning disabilities). The fastest growing population in the North America is now children with disabilities. Millions of children are being drugged everyday before going to school. These children need an opportunity to be treated naturally before resorting to chemical treatment with proven harmful side-effects. Many studies have been done on children and chiropractic, and the following information was found: In a study designed to determine the characteristics of [...]

Ear Infections & Children2010-10-19T09:00:00-04:00

The Third Layer


Hey everyone - welcome to my September Liquid Lunch interview installment. The Third Layer - the nervous system, yup it's still about that crucial component of the body! This week was great, a new co-host, who as a new mom was hot to jump on topics relevant to everyone. Enjoy! Dr J

The Third Layer2010-09-28T20:53:38-04:00

Chiropractic Manipulation or Spinal Adjustments – are they the same?


As of right now, I perform Specific Scientific Chiropractic Adjustments.  However, I’ve been through a few different mental phases about adjusting techniques – deciding which was best for me, which was the most consistent with my colleagues, which would benefit my patients the most, and which would preserve my physical abilities so I can adjust until I’m 70 years old (yes, I have that plan!). I have also watched other chiropractors, watched patients who have been adjusted over the years, under my care and under other chiropractors care, and a few things stand out: not all techniques do the same thing, [...]

Chiropractic Manipulation or Spinal Adjustments – are they the same?2010-06-03T23:30:49-04:00

Who gets adjusted? DANCERS!


Ok, so Jerry Rice isn't a "dancer", but he did spend years dancing around the football field with incredible performance, illustrated by a Hall of Fame career.  Here he cites chiropractic care as one of the reasons.

Who gets adjusted? DANCERS!2010-02-02T09:54:50-05:00

Ear Infections aided by Chiropractic


This is a news segment with Dr. Shaun Hudson (U.S.) discussing chiropractic for kids, ear infections, how to choose the right doctor, and tests to check vitamin and mineral deficiencies. This is one of the "conditions" that chiropractic regularly has a positive influence on - simply by removing nerve interference from the spinal nerve pathways, the child's natural healing response eliminates the ear infection, as the body is now able to work more effectively and efficiently.

Ear Infections aided by Chiropractic2008-10-22T08:53:13-04:00
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