As of right now, I perform Specific Scientific Chiropractic Adjustments.  However, I’ve been through a few different mental phases about adjusting techniques – deciding which was best for me, which was the most consistent with my colleagues, which would benefit my patients the most, and which would preserve my physical abilities so I can adjust until I’m 70 years old (yes, I have that plan!).

I have also watched other chiropractors, watched patients who have been adjusted over the years, under my care and under other chiropractors care, and a few things stand out: not all techniques do the same thing, some are substantially worse than others for stability and progress, and others can feel so light that the patient doesn’t “feel” the adjustment immediately, with the cumulative effect being far greater.

I can remember taking an upper cervical technique course in chiropractic college, for one day!  I was simply not resonating with the premise of it.  Oddly enough, I started utilizing it about 1 year ago and started to see some great results in some troublesome patients – those who weren’t responding to my primary techniques.  It’s amazing how we can change.

Further with the subject at hand though; I have had a number of different adjustments, and provided a number of different adjustment types.  I am writing this entry to inform the public that certain types of adjustments will move your joints, produce pain-relieving endorphins, and will likely get you hooked (a.k.a dependent) on chiropractic treatments.  While techniques utilizing lower force, with nervous system stimulation versus joint motion will have a MUCH greater impact on your health, your function, and in the long run, will put chiropractic adjustments in a useful and beneficial category as opposed to a dependent one.

But what’s the difference?  Quite simply, a greater health capacity – more energy, improved sleeping habits, digestion and focus/clarity for your daily activities, are usually acquired through gentle and focused adjustments.  Another difference – I have seen subluxation patterns developed and fixated from the more aggressive form of chiropractic – over time the body remembers where it has been “manipulated” and develops a dependency there.

Patients have said: “…it didn’t crack”, or “I need you to adjust right there”, and I address these concerns obviously, but I tend more towards analyzing the whole spine, and using an analysis system that has the body and nervous system of my patient guide me where to adjust them – a combination of intuition, experience, and science.

I could go on, but the main focus is for you the chiropractic “consumer” to be aware that if you like the technique utilized, that’s great!  Trusting your chiropractor is step one.  If you have yet to see a chiropractor, find out how they adjust, make sure you feel comfortable with it, and perhaps even ask about their adjusting Philosophy – that’s right, their philosophy, raison d’etre for adjusting where, when, and how, they do.  If they use a scientific method, you’re in good hands.

Until next time,

Dr J