Chiropractic Adjustment

Chiropractic and The Domino Effect of Health and Wellness


Have you ever set up a line of dominos, only to watch them all fall with a single touch? Your spine works similarly. When one part is out of alignment, it can trigger a cascade of effects throughout your body. Let's explore this fascinating domino effect and how chiropractic care can help reverse it. The Spine: Your Body's Command Center Your spine is more than just a structural support. It's the protective housing for your spinal cord, the interstate of information between your brain and your body. When your spine is properly aligned, it allows for optimal nerve flow throughout every [...]

Chiropractic and The Domino Effect of Health and Wellness2024-09-05T13:28:44-04:00

What a Shorter Leg Tells Me About Your Spine


You may have seen adjustments in our videos on social media and noticed that before, during and after the adjustment, I go to the end of the table and check even your leg lengths are. (If you’re already a patient, you’ve already experienced this!) Are you confused about why I do this? Read on and I’ll explain why this is so important and what it means for your health! A leg length check is one tool in my arsenal to identify neuromusculoskeletal dysfunction confidently and consistently even when you present without symptoms!  When I bring your heels together and bend your [...]

What a Shorter Leg Tells Me About Your Spine2024-05-27T12:45:23-04:00

Nurturing Children’s Well-Being: The Role of Pediatric Chiropractic Care


Have you considered chiropractic care for your child? You may think, “My child seems fine. Why would they need it?”   Pediatric chiropractic care can significantly benefit a child's health, development, and overall quality of life. While children may not experience the accumulated stress of adulthood, childhood is a crucial period for neurological development. And let's face it: children are prone to getting hurt as they climb, run, and hurl themselves from all available surfaces!  Understanding Pediatric Chiropractic Adjustments Children’s bodies are usually more flexible than adults, and they often can be adjusted easily, experiencing minimal pressure without twisting, cracking, or popping. [...]

Nurturing Children’s Well-Being: The Role of Pediatric Chiropractic Care2024-01-04T10:58:36-05:00

How Chiropractic Helps with Inflammation


Imagine you’re carrying some boxes down the stairs when you trip and fall on the last step. After picking yourself back up, you notice that your right ankle hurts, you look down and see that it’s completely swollen and red. You hobble to the freezer and grab an ice pack then sit down on the couch to rest.  The ice feels good against your injured ankle but it still takes several days for the pain and swelling to go away. After a week or two, you’re able to use your ankle like normal. This is the process of inflammation reacting to [...]

How Chiropractic Helps with Inflammation2022-07-27T16:22:06-04:00

How Chiropractic Restores TMJ Function


What is TMJ and how does it relate to chiropractic? TMJ stands for temporomandibular joint and it’s pretty important in talking, chewing, and opening our mouths. You probably want to do all of those motions every day! 😉 In this joint in the jaw, is a little articular disc that moves as you open and close your mouth. Sometimes this disc can move incorrectly and cause a snapping or popping sound as well as a lot of pain and discomfort. It can also cause your jaw to freeze and lock. No fun at all. Issues in this joint can also disrupt [...]

How Chiropractic Restores TMJ Function2022-07-05T14:46:35-04:00

The Benefits of Chiropractic Throughout Pregnancy, Labor and Birth


There’s no better time to get a chiropractic adjustment than during pregnancy. Chiropractic care is a natural, gentle and non-invasive way to support a woman’s body in multiple ways. 4 ways that chiropractic can help women throughout their pregnancy and labor Improved nervous system function  Optimized pelvis mechanics/alignment Helps set up the structure for an easier labor Relief of discomfort  Pregnancy is no easy task! As the baby grows, the mother’s body must change with it; their center of mass shifts anteriorly, the lower back curve increases and the round ligament becomes stretched and tight. These changes cause instability in the [...]

The Benefits of Chiropractic Throughout Pregnancy, Labor and Birth2022-06-03T15:36:44-04:00

What a Pain! Causes & Natural Tips for Lower Back Issues


You stand up, rubbing your lower back, leaning back slightly trying to stretch it. But the ache of lower back pain continues throughout your day and into the night. An estimated 4%-25% of adults worldwide suffer from chronic low back pain. Understanding the possible causes can help you take steps to find relief naturally. Causes of Lower Back Pain: A variety of elements may come together, increasing the likelihood of discomfort in the lower back.  Your genetics could be a factor, combined with posture and trauma. As you can see in the list below, your career can also be a factor [...]

What a Pain! Causes & Natural Tips for Lower Back Issues2022-02-04T13:08:38-05:00

6 Common Headache Triggers & Natural Options


Headaches are a part of life for far too many people. Headaches may keep us from doing our jobs or doing them effectively. They may hinder our relationships as our emotional fuse shortens with this discomfort. They may also slow us down from being active and reaching other health goals.  So WHY do people get headaches, and what can we do about them when we want to live a vibrant, natural life? (There are many more possible causes and triggers, but let’s focus on these six.) Common Causes & Triggers of Headaches  Chemical - You may have heard someone say that [...]

6 Common Headache Triggers & Natural Options2022-01-05T12:48:46-05:00

4 Easy Ways To Boost Kids’ Immunity


I haven’t done a kids’ health topic for a while. And with most kids being back in school, I thought it timely to mention a few tips on immune system boosting in the younger generation. These tips will not only help protect kids against the present threat but are also great for preventing seasonal sniffles and coughs that would keep them out of school. Alright, enough build up. Here they are: 1. Vitamin D and C Fruits and veggies are kids’ easiest and best sources of the amazing immunity nutrient that is vitamin C. Making sure kids get C from healthy [...]

4 Easy Ways To Boost Kids’ Immunity2020-12-04T17:11:41-05:00

Why Would A Healthy Athlete Use A Chiropractor?


Here’s something to think about. With gym closures, so many people are becoming “road warriors” and turning to biking or running for fitness.  Injuries from these types of activities are on the rise. That said, even healthy, top-tier athletes like Tiger Woods and Tom Brady have turned to chiropractic care to give them an edge. Indeed, A study by Anthony Lauro D.C. and Brian Mouch, D.C. showed how athletic ability can be enhanced by chiropractic care. The study looked at healthy athletes who didn’t have any musculoskeletal injuries. The goal for these athletes wasn’t to diagnose disease, but to pinpoint subluxations that could [...]

Why Would A Healthy Athlete Use A Chiropractor?2020-11-10T18:11:51-05:00
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