Joint Health

3 Biggest Running Mistakes


Today’s content is a must-read.  (If not, well, there’s still value in the principles) For me, running is a passion (I sadly can’t remember if I’ve spoken about this passion of mine).  I’m an accomplished half-marathoner at my peak and the main intent of my recent fitness “reboot” has been to go for more runs.  I love the ease of just stepping out the door, it’s literally a no-brainer so long as I’m dressed properly. One caveat: running can be a negative stress on your body as well as all of the positive benefits it procures. Here, for your viewing pleasure, [...]

3 Biggest Running Mistakes2019-10-16T12:59:59-04:00

Did Marilyn Monroe Have A Bad Back?


Here’s an interesting fact for you: The one-and-only Marilyn Monroe developed her signature walk by hacking off the heel of one shoe.  I hear something like that and my chiropractor’s brain instantly thinks “compensation pattern”. What do I mean? Well, by changing the length of one leg, Monroe would set up a movement pattern that, if she continued it long enough, could only hurt the delicate musculoskeletal balance in her body.  She died young, at age 36. But I’d guess that if she’d lived longer, and kept walking that way, she’d have ended up with a bad back.  And that would [...]

Did Marilyn Monroe Have A Bad Back?2019-08-20T12:23:30-04:00

Heat Or Ice? (The Answer Might Surprise You)


Today's quick tip might come as a shock to you. I say that because most patients I talk to are confused about this. When you have an acute injury or pain, what should you reach for first, heat or ice?  Most patients think it’s heat.  And while heat can help in easing tense muscles, the answer is [drum roll please]… ICE. Job #1 in any flare up or sudden pain is controlling inflammation and encouraging proper blood flow.  This is what ice does.  It constricts the blood vessels so the swelling can go down and, when removed, allows them to expand [...]

Heat Or Ice? (The Answer Might Surprise You)2019-08-06T12:34:39-04:00

Which of these health problems do you want to fix?


Most people don’t think of it very often, but this crucial health factor lets you breathe easy and move better. It lifts a heavy load off your organs so they can function at their peak. It boosts your energy, and can help eliminate annoying neck pain, back pain, or shoulder pain…it can take your golf game to the next level, and make you better at almost any activity you love…it allows your muscles to work the way they want to, which can make you almost “injury-proof”. It even results in better sleeping patterns. What is this health ‘miracle’? Great posture. Turns [...]

Which of these health problems do you want to fix?2019-07-16T12:00:34-04:00

Are achy joints just a fact of aging?


Hi everyone! This week I'm sharing some Q&A from daily patient interactions - the top questions I get about joints and aging:   QUESTION: I find as I’m getting older, my joints are getting achier.  Is this just a fact of aging, or is there something I can do about it? A: Actually my answer might surprise you. A lot of the typical aches and pains we gripe about as we get older are due to (a) wear and tear, and (b) a slow buildup of chronic low-grade inflammation.  And this CAN be controlled with good nutrition, supplementation, and fixing muscle [...]

Are achy joints just a fact of aging?2019-02-26T13:26:54-05:00
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