
Posture is the Window to…


In my latest interview, the topic was posture.  It's a simple but crucial topic for discussion - after being on holiday and having some vivid "people watching" time, it was apparent that kids these days, especially, are unaware of how poor posture will affect their future.  Being proactive about posture is one of the single most important actions one can take!  Enjoy! Dr J

Posture is the Window to…2010-07-27T07:09:51-04:00

Childhood Ear Infections – a solution


Here is a great article published by the American Chiropractic Association about the implementation of chiropractic for those little tykes ear infections. A great read!

Childhood Ear Infections – a solution2010-03-08T13:36:55-05:00

Ear Infections aided by Chiropractic


This is a news segment with Dr. Shaun Hudson (U.S.) discussing chiropractic for kids, ear infections, how to choose the right doctor, and tests to check vitamin and mineral deficiencies. This is one of the "conditions" that chiropractic regularly has a positive influence on - simply by removing nerve interference from the spinal nerve pathways, the child's natural healing response eliminates the ear infection, as the body is now able to work more effectively and efficiently.

Ear Infections aided by Chiropractic2008-10-22T08:53:13-04:00
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