
Live A Lifestyle That Supports Brain Health


If you’re like me and you love a lifestyle of wellness, you have various health goals. Is your brain health at the top of the list?  That may seem like a silly question; of course, we know the brain is important! While we can survive having an appendix or gallbladder removed, or even have a heart or lung transplant, our brain remains absolutely essential. However, we may be spending more time caring for and maintaining the parts of our body that call for attention urgently, rather than focusing on what is overall vital to our existence. For example, we brush our [...]

Live A Lifestyle That Supports Brain Health2022-03-03T10:55:22-05:00



Doesn’t is seem like everybody has been stressed out or on edge lately?  Between the ongoing restrictions and a super contentious election in the U.S., I’m getting frequent reports from patients, friends and colleagues of arguments and people snapping over little things. Myself included from time to time. Almost everyone is on pins and needles. Fact is, there is a pandemic within the pandemic. As a culture, we've had a mental health, drug, and alcohol addiction epidemic well before COVID hit.  Yet, in June, alcohol sales were up 250%, and mental health hotline calls up 800%. If more of us were willing [...]


How Your Core Controls Your Stress (New Study)


I’ll dive into the results of this fascinating new study in a minute.  But first, some context: The stress response in your body is carried out by your adrenal glands.  Parked on top of the kidneys, these little guys pump out wads of adrenaline when we need it for ‘fight or flight’ – when I describe your HRV (heart rate variability) test results, this is the sympathetic (left side) dominance I refer to.  Critical in life or death situations, there isn’t much in modern life that requires it. Yet most of the time our stress responses are running in the background, keeping [...]

How Your Core Controls Your Stress (New Study)2020-09-09T21:40:16-04:00

New Study: The True Power Of Exercise


I hope you’re managing – I’m just about to head to the clinic for Tuesday’s emergency /acute care adjustment hours, and wanted to share this. A new study out of The University Of Sydney is proving the effects of exercise on metabolism might be even more profound than we thought. The researchers set out to turn down the “noise” of hard-to-control factors like age, gender, work environment, diet, and stress. So what they did is examine the metabolic profiles of 52 healthy young men who’d just joined the Australian military.  They were tested before and after 80 days of “basic training”.  The soldiers [...]

New Study: The True Power Of Exercise2020-04-07T13:06:54-04:00
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