“I love the key word here: Choice. This article may hit home for many readers, that some of our actions are simply a “go with the flow” response, rather than a pure choice to be confident, happy, and emotionally successful”
We tell ourselves, sometimes, that living a transformed life isn’t that important, that it’s enough just to get by. We get wrapped up in our own concerns, particular points of view, or positions, and the idea of getting ourselves to a place where things can be great seems too big an undertaking. If somebody had a magic powder to come and sprinkle on us and just through that we’d be transformed, we might say, “No, thanks—I don’t want any! Let me stay just as I am.” It takes courage to live in a transformed way—to wrestle with our resistances, to give up mediocrity, to live consistent with what we know is possible in being human. It’s always and only a matter of our choosing.
See Original Article: http://www.landmarknewsletter.com/landmark-forum-leaders-in-conversation/with-transformation-comes-big-shoes/
Adapted from an article originally published in the Landmark Newsletter |