1. The approximate onset of chiropractic care (date)

September 2011.


2. The problems, symptoms or ailments you were troubled with prior to chiropractic care:

Mainly pain in the upper neck region leading to headaches and discomfort while sleeping and during neck straining activities such as reading or studying.


3. The number of weeks, months or years you had these problems:

Was on and off for about a couple months.

4. The number of doctors seen and the type of drugs taken (if any) for these problems:



5. The extent to which your normal life was interrupted due to these health problems:

I often had to stop studying or reading for awhile to rest the pain and ease the headache and usually had to place ice behind my neck minutes before sleeping to numb the pain. 


6. The length of treatment in visits or time before the results of chiropractic care became apparent:

Hard to say, it was certainly a transition period where it felt really bad for a while than as I continued with treatment it started to progressively get better till about 3-4 months in and I felt relieved symptoms.  


7. Your impression of the general health benefits of chiropractic care and specifically, how it helped you:

Being a University student under physical and mental stress is tough as it is and Chiropractic care has allowed me to remain in full swing of things at all times. I noticed progressively increased energy levels, reduced headaches and thus increased sleep as well as noticed my memory and recall began to increase. This was my best year of school yet and undoubtedly Chiropractic care is in part responsible for such an accomplishment.



Certainly depends but I think there are benefits for anyone as long as they are willing to stick with it. 

Rob C.

Many people experience similar problems.  Our goal is to educate others that may benefit from your experience.  CONGRATULATIONS!