Dr Joshua Gelber Patient Testimonial:
1. The approximate onset of chiropractic care (date)
May 2012
2. The problems, symptoms or ailments you were troubled with prior to chiropractic care:
I had various symptoms, notably a chronic, intrusive cough that extended three years. I also had a sharp, returning pain over my left scapula (behind my left shoulder – trapezius muscle), and since I began jogging have had small muscle aches.
3. The number of weeks, months or years you had these problems:
The cough, which was constant, had no apparent cause; it was a riddle to live with. I suspected several things. Among these was the ventilation system in an office I occupied (where there has since been abatement). The cough continued, even after I left that office. Until about a month after treatment began, in the spring of 2012. I also suspected my diet, and numerous food allergies that had been identified via standard tests. These were more or less confirmed when I altered my diet. The shoulder pain returned during periods of stress, four or five times a year. The small muscular aches disappeared after five months of treatment, though I continue to jog fairly long distances.
4. The number of doctors seen and the type of drugs taken (if any) for these problems:
Some pretty heavy-duty prescription and over-the-counter pharmaceuticals, including, I believe, a form of penicillin, failed to reduce my cough, which perplexed several doctors and specialists. I feared the cough was a chronic condition I would be living with for the rest of my life. When Dr. Gelber suggested a couple of treatments could eliminate my cough, I was skeptical.
5. The extent to which your normal life was interrupted due to these health problems:
The cough was constant, every few minutes, and its intensity varied. It was an annoyance to myself and colleagues at work, at my desk and at meetings. I had to reduce my outings to theatres, concerts, and movies. The cough was an annoyance in social situations and at home with my spouse.
6. The length of treatment in visits or time before the results of chiropractic care became apparent:
After a month of three visits a week my cough faded and finally disappeared. It took five months before the pain over my left scapula was gone. I have reduced treatment to two visits per week.
7. Your impression of the general health benefits of chiropractic care and specifically, how it helped you:
I was able to resume a normal life, with friends and co-workers noticing that I didn`t cough any more. My sports involvement has grown and I perform well. The other complaints I had were nothing in comparison. Due to my environmental allergies I was off work several days each spring or fall.