Families who eat nutritious food together, are physically active together and live smoke-free lives are well on their way to reducing their risk of heart disease and stroke. Studies show that families who sit down to regular meals together tend to eat better. Like most Canadians, you’re probably juggling work and family life, leaving little time to cook and eat together. Here are some simple ways to plan ahead to make your meals heart healthy.

Tip 1

Plan dinner around the day’s schedule. On activity nights, cook a casserole in the crock pot (started in the morning), which will be ready when everyone gets home. Take healthy snacks such as single-serve yogurts, cottage cheese, cheese sticks, homemade mini oatmeal muffins, pre-cut vegetables and fruit to calm the munchies before dinner.

Tip 2

Set menu themes to encourage everyone to be home for the meal. Spaghetti and meatball Tuesdays, home-made pizza Fridays, Sunday pancake brunches are just some ideas.

Tip 3

Let each member of your family take turns choosing their favourite recipe for dinner. Get children involved in the cooking. If they make it, they’re more likely to eat it!

Tip 4

Plan family picnics and outings so that you can all sit down and eat together. Take this opportunity to catch up on the day’s events and news with the whole family.

Tip 5

Reassess your family’s schedule. If you’re out most nights of the week, maybe cutting back on one or two activities will allow you to spend more time eating and being together.