An old patient came back to the clinic after years of “taking a break”.  she presented with numbness and tingling in her left hand and arm, as well as knee pain (presumably due to Osteoarthritis).  Just sixty, she has felt limited ability in the past few years.

Here, she shares with you, what she shared with me one morning, about how gardening became fun for the first year in many!

“For five years I’ve had intermittent lower back pain, and sciatica-like symptoms that flared up when I bent over to pick things off the floor. With arthritis in both knees I can’t crouch or kneel easily. Consequently house-keeping and gardening were confined to fifteen minute episodes, and then I’d have to lie down and try to stretch the pain out.
I began chiropractic care in late January. One afternoon in mid-May I went out to do a little weeding. More than an hour later I realized that it was… more than an hour later. I’d been bending and straightening without any pain or stiffness for over sixty minutes.
Chiropractic works!”
Just a fun and positive share about how removal of interference to the nervous system, enabled a Quality of Life improvement!
Dr J