Have you caught a bug and you’re thinking about cancelling your chiropractic visit? Don’t call in sick to this appointment like you would for school or work. You chiropractor is one person you’ll definitely want to see while you’re sick because you can get the adjustment you need to heel faster and receive a more natural treatment. This is due to the link between the nervous system and the immune system that is working in overdrive right now. Take a look at why you should never call in sick to the chiropractor.

Go even if you’re contagious

Talk to your chiropractor if you have caught something that is causing you flu-like symptoms, to find out when the best time to come into the office would be. When you are still contagious because the symptoms just started, your chiropractor can likely schedule you for the very beginning of the day or at the end of the day when other patients won’t be around.

The office staff can help ensure you don’t spread the illness around by taking additional measures to protect other patients that arrive after you. You’ll want to go regardless of the stage of illness you are in.

How your body fights illness

Your immune system is working in overdrive when you are ill to help you fight off the illness you have. While the symptoms associated with it can be the worst of the struggle, it’s there to help you by serving the purpose of letting you know that your body is doing the work to fight it off itself. When you have a runny nose, it’s your body’s way of telling you that it’s trying to excrete the virus or organisms.

When your appetite is gone, it’s because your body is using your digestive cycle’s energy in your immune system instead. When you have watery eyes, it’s because your eyes are trying to cool themselves so that they are not damaged by the fever since they are heat sensitive. That mild fever is there to stimulate the immune system and create the environment your body needs to fight off foreign bodies.

How chiropractic care can help

You may be thinking that a chiropractor is the wrong person to see during an illness. In fact, the chiropractor is the best place to go when you’re ill because the chiropractor is helping you to have a healthy spiny which in turn helps you to have a fully functioning nervous system that has a direct link to your immune system.

The nervous system is linked to the immune system through the adrenal glands, as well as the chemicals and hormones that talk to the cells of the immune system from the nervous system. When you’re under the weather, your chiropractic adjustments can improve your nervous system’s function which will control the regulation of the immune system that is fighting your illness. Taking care of your brain stem and spinal cord will help to regulate the rest of your body’s functions.

Don’t call in sick to the chiropractor; this is the doctor you need to see when you feel important symptoms that your body is fighting off illness.