Toronto Chiropractors

Winter Safety – seasonal issues


It was cool to be the last live guest on Liquid Lunch in December before the holidays began.  Speaking on winter safety, how to avoid slips and falls, and other seasonal issues made this a fun conversation! Enjoy, Dr J

Winter Safety – seasonal issues2011-01-05T16:20:58-05:00

More stress! New Research


The Globe and Mail is awesome - this weekend they started a 6-part study about how stress is becoming an epidemic. I felt this was KEY to share; chiropractic is used constantly to help the body manage these stress responses, but more importantly, to coach the individual in reducing the amount of stress they incur with their daily lifestyle.  I haven't seen an article so DIRECTLY linked to what I do, this is great to see!!

More stress! New Research2010-11-01T09:56:32-04:00

When Did You Get Your Very First Subluxation?


  Subluxations are a result of the body's inability to adapt to physical, chemical and emotional stress. Think back and consider your earliest physical, chemical and emotional stressors. Physical: Trauma is the most commonly recognized cause of subluxations. When did you experience your first traumatic event? Trauma to a child's spine and nervous system can occur before the birth process. Research suggests that subluxations may occur by the position in which the baby lays in the womb or lack of space when twins are present. Prolonged or difficult labor is our next exposure to possible trauma induced subluxations. The birth process [...]

When Did You Get Your Very First Subluxation?2010-10-20T09:00:16-04:00

Ear Infections & Children


According to the figures released by the National Association of Teachers, over 35% of all school aged children have been diagnosed and labeled disabled (including physical, mental and emotional disorders, as well as learning disabilities). The fastest growing population in the North America is now children with disabilities. Millions of children are being drugged everyday before going to school. These children need an opportunity to be treated naturally before resorting to chemical treatment with proven harmful side-effects. Many studies have been done on children and chiropractic, and the following information was found: In a study designed to determine the characteristics of [...]

Ear Infections & Children2010-10-19T09:00:00-04:00

Myths and Misunderstandings about “The healthiest kids”


"Why would I bring my children to a chiropractor when they don't have back problems?" "What does chiropractic have to with children's health?" "My child doesn't need to see a doctor, they are healthy." There are many misunderstandings and myths about health and chiropractic care, especially when it comes to  children.  One of the biggest myths about chiropractic is that chiropractic is for adults only.  However, millions of parents have discovered the truth about chiropractic and are bringing their children to chiropractors to improve their child's overall health and well-being. Many children suffer from hidden nerve interference. Spinal nerve stress can [...]

Myths and Misunderstandings about “The healthiest kids”2010-10-18T09:00:59-04:00

Bed Wetting – a solution!


Nocturnal Enuresis is the fancy medical term for bed-wetting during sleep.  Bed-wetting is very common among children and it's estimated that about 5 to 7 million children suffer from it. Medical doctors have struggled to find an answer to help these children. The American Family Physician recommends: 1. "An alarm system that signal when the bed gets wet." 2. "A reward system for dry nights." 3. "Asking your child to change the sheets." 4. "Having your child practice holding his or her urine for longer and longer times." This obviously doesn't correct the cause and is a feeble attempt at best. [...]

Bed Wetting – a solution!2010-10-15T08:00:01-04:00

The Third Layer


Hey everyone - welcome to my September Liquid Lunch interview installment. The Third Layer - the nervous system, yup it's still about that crucial component of the body! This week was great, a new co-host, who as a new mom was hot to jump on topics relevant to everyone. Enjoy! Dr J

The Third Layer2010-09-28T20:53:38-04:00

Imprints, Foundations, and Expressions


It occurs to me, on a frequent basis, that people are quick to worry about the last "wrong" action they took when they have a painful episode, whether it be a "my back went out", or"I slept funny and my neck is all twisted", and there are many more. I decided to speak about why and how we get into these situations over time, with repetition and history.  Enjoy my most recent interview at Hugh and Toronto Jay were great in helping me get the point across!  Enjoy!! Dr J

Imprints, Foundations, and Expressions2010-08-31T15:30:51-04:00

Stress, Pain, Relief Cycle


This month on, I sat down with Randy and Stella to discuss the viscous cycle or pain relief without addressing the underlying Cause.  Specific to nerve interference, or subluxation, people who stop at symptom relief tend to yo-yo between feeling bad, and O.K.  They never feel better, well, or GREAT.  Going beyond the Relief of symptoms, into Releasing, Resetting and Reorganizing the way the nervous system acts - is the better way, and helps to achieve more permanent results!

Stress, Pain, Relief Cycle2010-07-09T15:37:28-04:00

Gardening is good again – a testimonial


An old patient came back to the clinic after years of "taking a break".  she presented with numbness and tingling in her left hand and arm, as well as knee pain (presumably due to Osteoarthritis).  Just sixty, she has felt limited ability in the past few years. Here, she shares with you, what she shared with me one morning, about how gardening became fun for the first year in many! "For five years I've had intermittent lower back pain, and sciatica-like symptoms that flared up when I bent over to pick things off the floor. With arthritis in both knees I [...]

Gardening is good again – a testimonial2010-06-15T08:37:02-04:00
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