Dr. Devin Young is Meb Keflezighi’s Chiropractor.
Dr. Devin Young and Meb Keflezighi
When Meb Keflezighi won the 2014 Boston Marathon, he became the first American man to win the prestigious event in 21 years.
Meb has been seeing Dr. Devin Young as his Chiropractor for years and sees him twice a week during training. His care was especially helpful leading up to and including the Boston Marathon. Meb has found that being adjusted has allowed him to recover faster and easier after his races.
Meb was adjusted the night before the 2012 Olympic Trials, which he won. After realizing this powerful combination of being adjusted just before a race, Meb now gets adjusted as close to a race a possible. Literally, his last stop before going to the airport to fly to Boston was to Dr Devin’s to get adjusted.