
How Chiropractic Helps with Inflammation


Imagine you’re carrying some boxes down the stairs when you trip and fall on the last step. After picking yourself back up, you notice that your right ankle hurts, you look down and see that it’s completely swollen and red. You hobble to the freezer and grab an ice pack then sit down on the couch to rest.  The ice feels good against your injured ankle but it still takes several days for the pain and swelling to go away. After a week or two, you’re able to use your ankle like normal. This is the process of inflammation reacting to [...]

How Chiropractic Helps with Inflammation2022-07-27T16:22:06-04:00



Doesn’t is seem like everybody has been stressed out or on edge lately?  Between the ongoing restrictions and a super contentious election in the U.S., I’m getting frequent reports from patients, friends and colleagues of arguments and people snapping over little things. Myself included from time to time. Almost everyone is on pins and needles. Fact is, there is a pandemic within the pandemic. As a culture, we've had a mental health, drug, and alcohol addiction epidemic well before COVID hit.  Yet, in June, alcohol sales were up 250%, and mental health hotline calls up 800%. If more of us were willing [...]


7 Reasons Why People In Pain Need Movement


Straight to it, here they are: Strength Strong muscles act as a support structure.  One common example is how strengthening your core can help with low back pain.  When your core functions as it should, it can “prop up” and take stress away from a sore low back. Note, the “core” is much broader than some people realize, it’s as high as your pectorals and shoulders, and as low as your gluteus and hamstring muscles. Natural pain relief Exercise has a proven pain-inhibiting effect.  One way it does this is by releasing “feel-good” brain chemicals (e.g. endorphins) that dim pain signals. [...]

7 Reasons Why People In Pain Need Movement2020-08-25T21:39:17-04:00

We Can’t Let Fear Win


Here’s an interesting fact for you. Did you know that multiple studies show gastrointestinal (GI) issues are one of the hallmarks of autism? In 2012, researchers at the National Institute of Health noted that 92% of children with autism show GI distress.  The CDC estimates that children with autism are 3.5 times more likely to suffer chronic constipation or diarrhea. It’s been proposed that the link is due to pathogenic gut bacteria. These tend to overgrow (and overpower) the good gut bacteria. In one study, UWO researcher Dr.MacFabe was able to produce autism-like symptoms in rats by injecting them with a fatty acid produced [...]

We Can’t Let Fear Win2020-08-18T21:38:28-04:00

Top 4 Biggest Pain Myths


Today I’m laying down a trail of bread crumbs that, if you follow it, might just lead you (or anyone you care about) to be pain-free, or far closer to it. So without further suspense, here are my Top 4 Biggest Pain MYTHS: “It’s better just to lie in bed.” It’s a common misbelief that the answer to pain is simply to rest it.  This one’s been debunked for a while actually - research shows that most painful conditions need some sort of movement in order to heal.  Movement helps blood flow, preserves muscle strength, and prevents fear that inhibits recovery. What type [...]

Top 4 Biggest Pain Myths2020-06-17T15:01:01-04:00

Headaches: Common But Not Normal


With the weather getting warmer (thank you!), migraine sufferers especially might notice an uptick in the frequency of their migraines. But headaches affect almost everyone at some point.  Rare for some, constant for others. Those of you who’ve had tremendous relief and remission from headaches can attest to the suffering you used to have. Let’s take a brief look at a few reasons for this. Tension headaches: They're by far the most common type of headache, and they’re often connected with muscle tension in the neck.  Sedentary living, excess sitting, and more time spent hunched over a computer or phone are all possible [...]

Headaches: Common But Not Normal2020-06-02T14:21:29-04:00

What To Do When You Hit A Healing Plateau


A while back I shared with you my own struggles with a painful shoulder.  I’d been having decent success recovering when, out of the blue, I got an idea. You see, I’d met an RMT/Osteopath named Ryan P. when he became a member of my practice (so I worked on him first).  I knew he was downstairs at Sutherland Chan, but I was already seeing a few other therapists and for a little while, I was hesitant to reverse the doctor/patient relationship.  Alas, I decided around the holidays to go see him, "all in". I now find Ryan to be very [...]

What To Do When You Hit A Healing Plateau2020-03-10T14:39:29-04:00

Stretches That Cause Injuries


Here’s a conversation that comes up often when I’m working with patients. When should you stretch, and when should you strengthen? Let’s back up a second. Why should you want better mobility at all? If you have faulty biomechanics (which could also be described as poor movement) you’re fighting against yourself any time you try do any activity. This can mean you’re tense in some muscles, weak in others. Either way, you wind up spending more energy than you should. Fluidity (or ease of movement) makes everything you do easier. And helps prevent injuries. That’s why working on your mobility and [...]

Stretches That Cause Injuries2019-12-23T09:21:35-05:00

Warren Buffet’s #1 Habit For Success (And Mine)


As we cross off the last remaining days on this year’s calendar, I’m already in planning mode for 2020. I like to take time to pause and reflect. And set goals. Do you do something similar? In support of your goals for the New Year, whatever they may be, I thought I’d share this interesting quote from one of the richest men on the planet, Warren Buffet: ==== “The difference between successful people and really successful people is that really successful people say no to almost everything.” ==== The “Oracle of Omaha” has spoken. Present day is less about finding opportunities [...]

Warren Buffet’s #1 Habit For Success (And Mine)2019-12-17T15:44:53-05:00

Prevent Slips And Falls This Winter


In my last blog post I highlighted some of the lovely benefits of chiropractic for seniors. Building on that theme, I’d like to send a big shout out to my patient Sonya who shared with me a resource I didn’t previously know about.  It’s a website that’s crucial for seniors but relevant to everyone, as slips and falls can happen at any age. The website is called Rate My Treads. Check it out here: http://www.ratemytreads.com/ Its stated goal is to help you “test” your winter footwear. (And prevent slips so you stay safe on the streets.) From the website: ==== “Slips [...]

Prevent Slips And Falls This Winter2019-11-19T14:14:35-05:00
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