As a health professional, it is my obligation (yes, my governing body requires it), but also my personal satisfaction (I love to learn) to attend conferences about health and healing.

I had the privilege to be in California this past weekend at one of the most influential and informative events of my life.  California Jam, an event in its 3rd year, similar to other chiropractic conferences, but different, has me inspired!!

I have always loved chiropractic, what it truly stands for and how it has helped improve the health of millions of individuals across the globe.  In my own community, I have been fortunate to witness miracles daily, by applying the chiropractic principles through my hands and the Specific Scientific Chiropractic Adjustment.

Why am I sharing? Sometimes it’s hard to contain excitement… well it SHOULD be. We need to share excitement, positive energy is contagious, and in my opinion, not spread to the masses enough on a daily basis.

I do consider myself a Health Geek – I don’t tire of talking about health with friends, family, strangers even – although I don’t bring it up, the basic mention of “traditional chiropractor” stimulates Q&A sessions.

I just had to tell you… until next time,

Dr J