chiropractor annex toronto

How To Motivate Yourself To Do Something Difficult


Change of pace today.  Here’s a quick “life hack” you might find useful. According to a recent article in Fast Company, if you ever find yourself faced with a boring, difficult, or time-consuming task, don’t tell yourself “I’ll do it later”. Instead, build up in your head that it WILL be difficult, and you’ll probably hate it. You might just find yourself scrambling to get it over with. Why? This idea has its roots in a joint study between the University of British Columbia and Princeton.  Researchers found that anticipating positive experiences contains both happy emotions (e.g. savouring the thought) and unhappy ones (e.g. waiting [...]

How To Motivate Yourself To Do Something Difficult2020-09-02T21:39:45-04:00

7 Reasons Why People In Pain Need Movement


Straight to it, here they are: Strength Strong muscles act as a support structure.  One common example is how strengthening your core can help with low back pain.  When your core functions as it should, it can “prop up” and take stress away from a sore low back. Note, the “core” is much broader than some people realize, it’s as high as your pectorals and shoulders, and as low as your gluteus and hamstring muscles. Natural pain relief Exercise has a proven pain-inhibiting effect.  One way it does this is by releasing “feel-good” brain chemicals (e.g. endorphins) that dim pain signals. [...]

7 Reasons Why People In Pain Need Movement2020-08-25T21:39:17-04:00

We Can’t Let Fear Win


Here’s an interesting fact for you. Did you know that multiple studies show gastrointestinal (GI) issues are one of the hallmarks of autism? In 2012, researchers at the National Institute of Health noted that 92% of children with autism show GI distress.  The CDC estimates that children with autism are 3.5 times more likely to suffer chronic constipation or diarrhea. It’s been proposed that the link is due to pathogenic gut bacteria. These tend to overgrow (and overpower) the good gut bacteria. In one study, UWO researcher Dr.MacFabe was able to produce autism-like symptoms in rats by injecting them with a fatty acid produced [...]

We Can’t Let Fear Win2020-08-18T21:38:28-04:00

3 Simple Ways To Boost Your Immune Confidence


How well do you understand your immunity? What regular actions are you taking to ensure you stay healthy? With things reopening and persistent fears of a “second wave”, my next few emails will focus on simple things you can do as soon as today to boost your health and feel more trust in your body’s natural immunity. First, a thought. Scientists are finding that the main factor of this virus responsible for hospitalizations is “hyper-inflammation” (especially as it concerns the lungs).  Some inflammation is part of your body’s normal immune response.  But when your immunity isn’t strong enough, it’s quickly overwhelmed by invaders [...]

3 Simple Ways To Boost Your Immune Confidence2020-07-07T17:55:14-04:00

Mechanist or Vitalist? (Find Out What Works For Better Health)


When you understand this key difference, it’ll empower you to make clearer choices for your health. What is it? The mechanistic vs. the vitalistic approach to healing. Typically medical doctors are mechanists.  They view the body as a sort of biological ‘machine’ with a series of parts, each requiring their own attention.  A cardiologist looks after your heart.  A neurologist looks after your nervous system.  A gastroenterologist deals with the digestive system.  And so on and so forth. A typical (but thankfully not always) medical intervention can involve drugs or surgery to repair, or even remove a ‘faulty’ part.  While there [...]

Mechanist or Vitalist? (Find Out What Works For Better Health)2020-06-30T17:41:36-04:00

Top 4 Biggest Pain Myths


Today I’m laying down a trail of bread crumbs that, if you follow it, might just lead you (or anyone you care about) to be pain-free, or far closer to it. So without further suspense, here are my Top 4 Biggest Pain MYTHS: “It’s better just to lie in bed.” It’s a common misbelief that the answer to pain is simply to rest it.  This one’s been debunked for a while actually - research shows that most painful conditions need some sort of movement in order to heal.  Movement helps blood flow, preserves muscle strength, and prevents fear that inhibits recovery. What type [...]

Top 4 Biggest Pain Myths2020-06-17T15:01:01-04:00

Why I Chose My Primary Adjusting Technique


Here’s a little back story on how I came to do adjustments the Dr. Josh signature way: My preferred method is known as the Thompson Drop-Table Technique. Basically, while the patient is lying face down, the cushions on the table drop slightly when a thrust is applied to the spine.  I find subluxations, weak/stress points, distressed areas, and where to adjust you by checking (and comparing) leg length. I’ve honed this technique for the better part of my career.  More recently though, I’ve reintroduced a few spare techniques and tools when we aren’t achieving the best results – and it may involve a [...]

Why I Chose My Primary Adjusting Technique2020-06-09T14:26:13-04:00

Are Standing Desks A Good Idea?


My email a while back about neck pain from working at home turned out to be prophetic. Last week, The Wall Street Journal reported that members of The American Chiropractic Association (ACA) have been flooded by calls from patients hit with neck or back pain since working remotely. Since this is an obvious problem right now… I thought it would be good to “unpack” the idea of a standing desk a bit more. Sitting for long periods has proven to be very detrimental to your health. Not only can it be the culprit for weight gain, chronic pain, indigestion, fatigue, and even cancer, but [...]

Are Standing Desks A Good Idea?2020-05-26T14:07:23-04:00

How To Prevent Neck Or Back Pain From A Poor Home Work Setup


Several of my patients/subscribers have replied in recent weeks with familiar complaints like: *Migraines that prevent sleep (Likely sourced from neck and shoulder tension from the home work environment.) *Upper back tension or distress from a coffee table “desk” – (KJ, this one’s for you!) *Hip pain from sitting more and moving less (6’ tall Ed told me he was spending lots of desk time, mixed with playtime with his 18-ish month old on the floor, with only weekend walk times – ouch) Well, the people have spoken. :-) If you’re one of many who have been forced to adapt to [...]

How To Prevent Neck Or Back Pain From A Poor Home Work Setup2020-04-28T14:00:32-04:00

25 Mental Wellness Tips From A Psychologist


I’ll make this real simple for you… Below is a list by a psychologist of 25 mental health tips for getting through quarantine. (I’m paraphrasing, and have added my own two cents here and there.)  Print this list, put it on your fridge, make these tips a part of your life and it will help you manage the coming weeks and months as gracefully as possible. Sound good? Let’s dive in: Stick to a routine. Notably, wake up at the same time every day.  The systems in the brain that mediate negative emotions are tied to your circadian rhythm.  Rising like [...]

25 Mental Wellness Tips From A Psychologist2020-04-14T13:16:50-04:00
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