Chiropractor toronto

My “Glory Days” Plan To Get Back My Fitness


Keeping on with the fitness theme this month… I want to share something personal. I’ve been “off track” with my fitness for years now. And I’m finally getting around to having a plan in place to get back into things.  What I’m remembering – and why this may be useful to you – is that it’s no small task.  There’s work, planning, and dedication that goes into it. Here’s the short list of what I’ve put in motion: *Got an accountability coach *I’m writing out my workout plan (with the help of a trainer) *Putting in my calendar the days and [...]

My “Glory Days” Plan To Get Back My Fitness2019-09-24T02:10:27-04:00

Tribute To A Legend of Chiropractic


Sad topic today. Last month, a legend of the chiropractic profession passed away, Dr. Franco Columbu.             Franco is perhaps best-known as Arnold Schwarzenegger’s best friend and training partner.  But he himself was no slouch.  A champion bodybuilder in his own right, and twice Mr. Olympia winner, he also competed in the first ever World’s Strongest Man competition in 1977 and got 5th. Watch him help with a little parking “situation” in this iconic short clip from Pumping Iron: Of course, he was a fellow chiropractor too. What I and many of my colleagues are [...]

Tribute To A Legend of Chiropractic2019-09-17T01:56:17-04:00

4 Anti-Inflammatory Food Swaps


Did you know that food allergies, digestive issues, and other inflammatory conditions can prevent you from burning fat and achieving the kind of health you want? Do you ever experience any of the following? *Difficulty falling asleep or sleep poorly *Hard time concentrating at points during the day *Achy joints *Sluggish energy *Seems hard to lose weight All could be symptoms of persistent inflammation.  And they are signs your immune system is reacting to a stressor.  Or it could be caused by a cocktail of emotional stress, medications, environmental pollutants, inadequate sleep or nutrition, and dehydration. One book I highly recommend [...]

4 Anti-Inflammatory Food Swaps2019-05-21T15:17:53-04:00

Can Chiropractic Help Sciatica?


If you suffer from sciatica, you are one of around 3 million sufferers in North America each year with this condition in their spine and legs. The nerve pain actually originates in the spine and travels down the back of the leg, and if irritated will result in difficulty standing and sitting. While there are a few more common options for sciatica such as medications and surgery, many are seeking alternative options that are less intrusive. Chiropractic care, for instance, has an extensive library of studies showing it's effectiveness in reducing sciatic nerve-based pain. Understanding the Sciatic nerve It’s important to [...]

Can Chiropractic Help Sciatica?2019-01-10T19:56:10-05:00

How to Build a Strong Foundation for Your Health


Building a strong health foundation in your life is one of the best things you can do for yourself. Once your health is in check, everything else falls into place. It’s easier to meet deadlines at work, have energy for your family, and to feel good in the all through the day, not just in the mornings. When you suffer from poor posture, don’t get quality sleep, eat processed foods, and lack regular exercise, everything starts to fall apart. You end up feeling tired all of the time, your digestion is poor, and you likely end up with body pains. It’s [...]

How to Build a Strong Foundation for Your Health2019-01-08T19:46:27-05:00

Helping Carpal Tunnel Syndrome with Chiropractic Care


Do you suffer from carpal tunnel syndrome? ...And feel like you’ve tried everything to recover from the symptoms associated with it? You may not have realized that chiropractic care can actually help with your CTS symptoms. It’s a common condition with more people getting diagnosed every year and being one of the most common surgeries performed here in North America. Common symptoms of CTS like tingling, burning, and numbness make it difficult to function on a daily basis, and you may even find that it’s a challenge to properly grasp things. While surgery and other treatments are available, chiropractic care may [...]

Helping Carpal Tunnel Syndrome with Chiropractic Care2018-12-04T19:46:13-05:00

Create a Stronger Back for Better Healing


Have you ever felt like you couldn’t get through a day without experiencing some lower back pain? This is a common problem in America with millions of people suffering from the same pains. With so many of these people visiting their physician to correct the problem, it’s often discovered that leading a sedentary life is the root cause. While this is not always the case and sometimes the pain varies from one patient to another, a sedentary lifestyle that incorporated unexpected activity or improper back use will very likely harm the lower back. Instead, you can use these tips to strength [...]

Create a Stronger Back for Better Healing2018-11-05T14:28:32-05:00

Which Nutrients are Best for Women?


While all people need to focus on getting the right nutrients in their body, men and women can have some variances in what they need for their specific gender. For example, women need more calcium because they are at a greater risk of ending up with osteoporosis. Men need more protein and calories than women do because men have a larger body and more muscle mass. Men and women both need folic acid, but women need more of it during childbearing years and require an extra supplement for it. When it comes to men and women, they need most of the [...]

Which Nutrients are Best for Women?2018-11-04T14:31:06-05:00

5 Health components – a la Dr J


Greetings all! another great Friday, another Liquid Lunch enjoyable session - today was all about the 5 components of health, everything outSIDE of chiropractic adjustments that matter!   Enjoy, and see you in June! Dr Josh

5 Health components – a la Dr J2011-05-20T14:32:53-04:00
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