Chiropractors Toronto

Imprints, Foundations, and Expressions


It occurs to me, on a frequent basis, that people are quick to worry about the last "wrong" action they took when they have a painful episode, whether it be a "my back went out", or"I slept funny and my neck is all twisted", and there are many more. I decided to speak about why and how we get into these situations over time, with repetition and history.  Enjoy my most recent interview at Hugh and Toronto Jay were great in helping me get the point across!  Enjoy!! Dr J

Imprints, Foundations, and Expressions2010-08-31T15:30:51-04:00

Stress, Pain, Relief Cycle


This month on, I sat down with Randy and Stella to discuss the viscous cycle or pain relief without addressing the underlying Cause.  Specific to nerve interference, or subluxation, people who stop at symptom relief tend to yo-yo between feeling bad, and O.K.  They never feel better, well, or GREAT.  Going beyond the Relief of symptoms, into Releasing, Resetting and Reorganizing the way the nervous system acts - is the better way, and helps to achieve more permanent results!

Stress, Pain, Relief Cycle2010-07-09T15:37:28-04:00

Gardening is good again – a testimonial


An old patient came back to the clinic after years of "taking a break".  she presented with numbness and tingling in her left hand and arm, as well as knee pain (presumably due to Osteoarthritis).  Just sixty, she has felt limited ability in the past few years. Here, she shares with you, what she shared with me one morning, about how gardening became fun for the first year in many! "For five years I've had intermittent lower back pain, and sciatica-like symptoms that flared up when I bent over to pick things off the floor. With arthritis in both knees I [...]

Gardening is good again – a testimonial2010-06-15T08:37:02-04:00

Addressing Fear –


Ok, so as it turns out, weekends are exceptions to the 21-day system! From May 28th, my interview with Hugh Reilly, and his guest, an interesting gentleman who as you will see, got me thinking and took our conversation to a unique level! Enjoy, Dr J

Addressing Fear – ThatChannel.com2010-06-07T10:47:59-04:00

Chiropractic Manipulation or Spinal Adjustments – are they the same?


As of right now, I perform Specific Scientific Chiropractic Adjustments.  However, I’ve been through a few different mental phases about adjusting techniques – deciding which was best for me, which was the most consistent with my colleagues, which would benefit my patients the most, and which would preserve my physical abilities so I can adjust until I’m 70 years old (yes, I have that plan!). I have also watched other chiropractors, watched patients who have been adjusted over the years, under my care and under other chiropractors care, and a few things stand out: not all techniques do the same thing, [...]

Chiropractic Manipulation or Spinal Adjustments – are they the same?2010-06-03T23:30:49-04:00

Socio-emotional stress response…


Recently, a patient brought this article to my attention.  When I started reading it, I felt for him, and I had a greater connection with many of my patients; my professional world has never involved more than 7-8 people, and while I love what I do and sometimes work too hard, I've never been close to burnout - something I hear about all too often from my friends, family and patients who work in larger organizations. As 'John' and I are talking about his work stress, a new term was coined- "socio-emotional" stress; our definition -  a social/professional stress resulting in [...]

Socio-emotional stress response…2010-06-01T19:00:40-04:00

Talking Natural Health


I had so much fun the last time I spoke on Liquid Lunch - the web-based talk show on That Channel - that I decided to become a regular monthly guest.  Here is the first installment!

Talking Natural Health2010-04-30T13:00:24-04:00

Childhood Ear Infections – a solution


Here is a great article published by the American Chiropractic Association about the implementation of chiropractic for those little tykes ear infections. A great read!

Childhood Ear Infections – a solution2010-03-08T13:36:55-05:00

Who gets adjusted? DANCERS!


Ok, so Jerry Rice isn't a "dancer", but he did spend years dancing around the football field with incredible performance, illustrated by a Hall of Fame career.  Here he cites chiropractic care as one of the reasons.

Who gets adjusted? DANCERS!2010-02-02T09:54:50-05:00
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