Subluxations are a result of the body’s inability to adapt to physical, chemical and emotional stress. Think back and consider your earliest physical, chemical and emotional stressors.
Physical: Trauma is the most commonly recognized cause of subluxations. When did you experience your first traumatic event? Trauma to a child’s spine and nervous system can occur before the birth process. Research suggests that subluxations may occur by the position in which the baby lays in the womb or lack of space when twins are present. Prolonged or difficult labor is our next exposure to possible trauma induced subluxations. The birth process itself maybe one the most common causes of subluxations.
Chemical: Many unnatural chemical toxins can be introduced very early on in life even before birth. Researchers suspect exposure to tiny amounts of some environmental chemicals in the womb or early childhood may permanently alter a child’s intelligence, motor skills, memory, behavior, fertility and immune response. Once the child is born there is an onslaught of chemicals that are introduced into their environments. Antibiotics, food preservatives, airborne contaminates, and water impurities just to name a few. The chemical stresses a child is exposed to in their first few days of life may result in their first subluxations.

Emotional: When did you experience your first emotional stress? Stress enters our world from day one. An infant may experience anxiety when their needs are not being met by their caregiver (food, love, hygiene, comfort, nurture, etc.). The fear of being placed in a sterile hospital environment instead of the arms of their parents may cause significant emotional stress. These early emotional stresses may lead to your first subluxations.
It’s difficult to determine when our first subluxations may have occurred but we can easily predict that it was probably very early on in life.
This is the main reason as a Wellness Chiropractic clinic we check all children, whether they have a subluxation or not, it is easily corrected, and more easily prevented, with constant, natural monitoring.
Have your child checked by a Wellness Chiropractic clinic now! The little time you spend now, will add lost of time to your child’s healthy future!
Until next time,
Dr J