
About Dr. Joshua Gelber

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So far Dr. Joshua Gelber has created 475 blog entries.

I Dared Him To Answer This


As we (hopefully) turn the corner toward spring, more and more folks will be gearing up to shed those unwanted winter quarantine pounds. So I challenged a personal trainer friend of mine and asked him: “If you had just a few minutes to transform someone’s fitness forever, and you could never speak to that person again, what advice would you give them?” Here’s the 4 gems he answered with: 1. Try not to do too much too soon. Waiting rooms are full of weekend warriors who injured themselves or fizzled out by going hard when their bodies simply weren’t ready. Sometimes [...]

I Dared Him To Answer This2021-09-10T17:21:09-04:00

Getting Antsy? 5 Ways To Shake Up Working From Home


If you find yourself getting even the teensiest bit antsy (over VERY antsy) because you're stuck working at home, here are a few simple ways to shake things up. I’ve taken some tips I heard about from a productivity coach and spiced them up by adding my own chiropractic spin to them. And a quick reminder that we’ll be closed for the “original” March Break (15th-19th). My wife and I intend to take full advantage of daycare and school to daytrip for some tranquil hikes outside the city! Without further preamble, here they are: 1. Change how you write your to-do [...]

Getting Antsy? 5 Ways To Shake Up Working From Home2021-02-25T20:07:20-05:00

This Made Me Think Of You


Allow me tell you a quick personal story. On Valentine’s Sunday, my son Hayden made a trip to the hospital for a few chin stitches, after a run-in with a pole during tobogganing. Now don’t worry – Hayden is ok, and enjoying the return to school almost as much as his exhausted parents! Aside from a big band-aid altering his jaw opening “comfort”, he was himself again just a few hours later. (Kids bounce back so fast, don’t they?) But when the dust finally settled after our hectic day, my chiropractor’s brain finished connecting a few dots…and it prompted this note. [...]

This Made Me Think Of You2021-02-17T20:03:26-05:00

4 Gentle Exercises For Low Back Pain


With many folks more sedentary these days (and working in ad hoc home office setups), low back pain complaints are all too common.To make matters worse, our first instinct is often to do nothing, and rest. While this may make sense in acute cases or during flare-ups, avoiding exercise can lead to a cycle of weaker muscles and MORE pain in the long run.Here, then, are 4 gentle full-body moves you can do to lessen the pain over time (Note: If you can’t quite picture how any of the above exercises go, each exercise is linked to a YouTube search for [...]

4 Gentle Exercises For Low Back Pain2021-02-09T19:59:53-05:00

7 Habits to Increase Your Energy


If you’d like to know some simple ways you can have more energy as soon as today, then you’ll want to pay close attention to this list.  The following 7 habits are part of the M.O. of almost all the world’s most high-energy people.  And, since I’m on this same quest to reduce parental fatigue, I thought it was worth sharing! Enjoy! 1. Go to sleep earlier. Sleep is one of the founding pillars of health.  Few things will do more for your energy, mood, and mindset than improving the amount of quality zzz’s you get each night. Try my 30 [...]

7 Habits to Increase Your Energy2021-01-28T13:21:04-05:00

Survive The Jaws of the Lion


You may have once heard of an adventurer called Dr. Livingstone. While in Africa, he was dragged away from his camp in the jaws of a lion and lived to tell the tale. It was strange. Once in the grip of the lion's teeth, he felt a bizarre sense of euphoria, and went completely limp.  It was as though he'd given up the fight and resigned himself to his fate. But he never gave up his desire to live. Sure enough, Dr. Livingstone survived his close encounter with the King of the jungle. Today, we are living in the jaws of a [...]

Survive The Jaws of the Lion2021-01-19T18:35:17-05:00

Use This Simple Checklist To Thrive In 2021


Happy New Year! Pilots, even if they’ve flown thousands of times, print out and review a pre-flight checklist every single time.  Why would they do such a thing?  Simple.  They consider what they do just that important.  And they’re unwilling to leave anything to chance or memory. Why should our lives and good health be any less important? Here are some suggestions for your daily checklist to improve your health this year (feel free to add you own ideas too): Start your day with a celebration of your life.  It’s hard going through the day thinking that you can’t affect the outcome. [...]

Use This Simple Checklist To Thrive In 20212021-01-06T20:07:57-05:00

Sleep Better Using This Free Website


If you’d like (or need!) some simple ways to sleep better, here’s a great free resource. My patient Georgia recently introduced me to this  According to the site, which is a not-for-profit run by sleep researchers at Dalhousie University, they have two goals: 1) to help people with insomnia get their sleep back without medications; and 2) to help people stop taking sleeping pills safely and effectively. After perusing the site, I can tell you it is a goldmine of great sleep insights! You’ll find tips, ideas, and strategies for better sleep, learn about the dangers of sleeping pills, and [...]

Sleep Better Using This Free Website2020-12-15T17:31:41-05:00

Headaches? 3 Questions You Must Ask Yourself


There’s no two ways about it – headaches suck. I meet a variety of headache sufferers in my practice. For some, when a headache or migraine strikes, life comes to a complete HALT and they run for cover in a dark room. For others, they may notice a dull headache that lasts up to ten days or more, which they manage with over-the-counter pain meds. Neither is to be scoffed at. If you’ve ever struggled with this problem, here are three questions you must ask yourself first: 1. Are You Hydrated Enough? One of the simplest causes of headaches is dehydration. [...]

Headaches? 3 Questions You Must Ask Yourself2020-12-08T13:30:58-05:00

4 Easy Ways To Boost Kids’ Immunity


I haven’t done a kids’ health topic for a while. And with most kids being back in school, I thought it timely to mention a few tips on immune system boosting in the younger generation. These tips will not only help protect kids against the present threat but are also great for preventing seasonal sniffles and coughs that would keep them out of school. Alright, enough build up. Here they are: 1. Vitamin D and C Fruits and veggies are kids’ easiest and best sources of the amazing immunity nutrient that is vitamin C. Making sure kids get C from healthy [...]

4 Easy Ways To Boost Kids’ Immunity2020-12-04T17:11:41-05:00
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