
Finding Your Sweet Spot: Why Athletes Need Both Movement AND Rest


For many active individuals, the phrase "no pain, no gain" has become something of a mantra. While dedication to your sport or fitness routine is admirable, the key to peak performance isn't just about pushing harder—it's about knowing when to push and when to pause. As an athlete or fitness enthusiast, you understand the importance of movement. Regular physical activity strengthens muscles, improves cardiovascular health, and enhances performance. Training sessions, practice games, and workouts are essential for skill development and maintaining a competitive edge. But here's what many don't realize: the magic doesn't happen during the workout—it happens during recovery. The [...]

Finding Your Sweet Spot: Why Athletes Need Both Movement AND Rest2024-11-25T17:00:32-05:00

Solving the Mystery: A Runner with Low Back and Hip Pain


If you have chronic low back pain and hip pain, daily activities and athletic pursuits may become a struggle. If you’ve tried other therapies without success, it’s time to see a chiropractor! In my office in the Toronto's Annex neighbourhood, I prioritize comprehensive care for your spine, nervous system, and muscles, ensuring your body operates at its best. I even have a great example of this - I’ll let Olivia tell you in her own words! What Are the Psoas Muscles and Why Are They Important? The psoas muscles are a large pair of muscles on both sides of the spine. [...]

Solving the Mystery: A Runner with Low Back and Hip Pain2024-04-01T15:30:16-04:00

Ways to Stay Active in the Toronto Winter


During the winter, it’s all too easy to settle into a more sedentary lifestyle. As a Toronto chiropractor, I want to give you some tips and encouragement. Let’s talk about simple ways to stay active and counteract busy school or work schedules or extreme weather.  Get Moving It doesn’t have to be a complicated workout, but get your body moving often. Staying active during this season has multiple benefits: Improves mood with endorphins Improves or maintains flexibility Improves heart health Increases or maintains muscle strength Stimulates brain function   Movement is vital for us physically and mentally! “90% of the stimulation [...]

Ways to Stay Active in the Toronto Winter2021-12-06T17:17:42-05:00

Why Would A Healthy Athlete Use A Chiropractor?


Here’s something to think about. With gym closures, so many people are becoming “road warriors” and turning to biking or running for fitness.  Injuries from these types of activities are on the rise. That said, even healthy, top-tier athletes like Tiger Woods and Tom Brady have turned to chiropractic care to give them an edge. Indeed, A study by Anthony Lauro D.C. and Brian Mouch, D.C. showed how athletic ability can be enhanced by chiropractic care. The study looked at healthy athletes who didn’t have any musculoskeletal injuries. The goal for these athletes wasn’t to diagnose disease, but to pinpoint subluxations that could [...]

Why Would A Healthy Athlete Use A Chiropractor?2020-11-10T18:11:51-05:00

Why Runners Should Get Stronger


I haven’t done a running theme for a while.  Even if you’re not a runner, read on, you may still gain some health knowledge. Chances are you know I love to run.  And while I haven’t been consistently running, it’s a work in progress, as Hayden can’t get enough of it these days, and he’s a great motivator!  And since it seems the lockdown has pushed many more into our ranks, I thought it was time to show a little love to the runners. So for your viewing pleasure today, here is why I strongly feel runners should get stronger (let’s [...]

Why Runners Should Get Stronger2020-06-23T17:30:26-04:00

How To Avoid Neck Or Back Pain From Yard Work


In my last email I mentioned we’re making our backyard more hospitable for extended homestays. This is going to require a little landscaping and other forms of yard work.  I even got Hayden in on the fun this week.  Here’s a peak behind-the-scenes: Well, it turns out I’m not the only one who had this idea. I guess with most of us being stuck at home, and the weather getting warmer (fingers crossed), some of my colleagues this week reported more “essential” visits from patients who were hit with neck or back pain from yard work or gardening. So here are a [...]

How To Avoid Neck Or Back Pain From Yard Work2020-04-21T13:31:15-04:00

New Study: The True Power Of Exercise


I hope you’re managing – I’m just about to head to the clinic for Tuesday’s emergency /acute care adjustment hours, and wanted to share this. A new study out of The University Of Sydney is proving the effects of exercise on metabolism might be even more profound than we thought. The researchers set out to turn down the “noise” of hard-to-control factors like age, gender, work environment, diet, and stress. So what they did is examine the metabolic profiles of 52 healthy young men who’d just joined the Australian military.  They were tested before and after 80 days of “basic training”.  The soldiers [...]

New Study: The True Power Of Exercise2020-04-07T13:06:54-04:00

How To “Self-Adjust”, Sort Of


I enjoyed many of the responses that came my way from my "healthy living at home" post recently. One that I particularly enjoyed was from a patient who said: “I was hoping you would tell us how to adjust ourselves!” And, well…no. :-) There’s no reliable or safe way to self-adjust.  But there’s another point I’d love to drive home in this week’s instalment which is this: yoga/stretching/motion/regular body movements, etc…ALL will help keep the spine more fluid and flexible vs. all the sitting and being glued to their smartphones most people are likely up to during this lockdown.  I won’t [...]

How To “Self-Adjust”, Sort Of2020-03-31T13:22:47-04:00

The Truth About New Year’s Resolutions


Do you think using a different word for something can create a different outcome? For example, we hear so much about resolutions this time of year.  But we also know that, statistically, most New Year’s resolutions fail.  I believe one reason they fail is because they’re about changing things in ourselves, our lives, or our behaviour that we don’t like. There can be a lot of built-up negative emotion around something like that. Whereas feeling grateful for what we currently have (our starting point) seems to me like a much better place from which to ask for improvement. That’s why, personally, [...]

The Truth About New Year’s Resolutions2020-01-08T13:10:08-05:00

Stretches That Cause Injuries


Here’s a conversation that comes up often when I’m working with patients. When should you stretch, and when should you strengthen? Let’s back up a second. Why should you want better mobility at all? If you have faulty biomechanics (which could also be described as poor movement) you’re fighting against yourself any time you try do any activity. This can mean you’re tense in some muscles, weak in others. Either way, you wind up spending more energy than you should. Fluidity (or ease of movement) makes everything you do easier. And helps prevent injuries. That’s why working on your mobility and [...]

Stretches That Cause Injuries2019-12-23T09:21:35-05:00
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