
Prevent “Tech Neck” With This Simple Exercise


“Those who think they have not time for bodily exercise will sooner or later have to find time for illness.” - Edward Smith-Stanley Hi all, Today I’ve got another great resource for you. A big shout out goes out to my patient Jackie for sharing this site with me: Its creator, Katy Bowman, is a biomechanist and best-selling author. Here’s a quote from her I found interesting: ==== “I propose that movement, like food, is not optional; that ailments you may be experiencing are simply (and complexly) symptoms of movement hunger in response to a movement diet that is dangerously [...]

Prevent “Tech Neck” With This Simple Exercise2019-12-03T14:00:10-05:00

Prevent Slips And Falls This Winter


In my last blog post I highlighted some of the lovely benefits of chiropractic for seniors. Building on that theme, I’d like to send a big shout out to my patient Sonya who shared with me a resource I didn’t previously know about.  It’s a website that’s crucial for seniors but relevant to everyone, as slips and falls can happen at any age. The website is called Rate My Treads. Check it out here: Its stated goal is to help you “test” your winter footwear. (And prevent slips so you stay safe on the streets.) From the website: ==== “Slips [...]

Prevent Slips And Falls This Winter2019-11-19T14:14:35-05:00

3 Biggest Running Mistakes


Today’s content is a must-read.  (If not, well, there’s still value in the principles) For me, running is a passion (I sadly can’t remember if I’ve spoken about this passion of mine).  I’m an accomplished half-marathoner at my peak and the main intent of my recent fitness “reboot” has been to go for more runs.  I love the ease of just stepping out the door, it’s literally a no-brainer so long as I’m dressed properly. One caveat: running can be a negative stress on your body as well as all of the positive benefits it procures. Here, for your viewing pleasure, [...]

3 Biggest Running Mistakes2019-10-16T12:59:59-04:00

7 Famous People Who Love Chiropractors


            Change of pace today. My tribute email a few weeks ago about Dr. Franco Columbu mentioned his best pal Arnie’s regular cheerleading of chiropractic.  That got me thinking… What other famous people both love and swear by chiropractic?  So I did a little digging.  And I was pleasantly surprised to discover some pretty illustrious folks singing the praises of my profession. Thought you might find this interesting. Take a look: TIGER WOODS “Being a chiropractic patient has really helped me a lot. When I was in a growth spurt, my back became very sore, and [...]

7 Famous People Who Love Chiropractors2019-10-08T02:30:06-04:00

#1 Biggest Myth Re: Workouts & Low Back Pain


Did you know that working your core might be making your low back pain worse? Continuing with the fitness theme, I’m covering a very common misconception today.  So many people have heard that to prevent low back pain you need to strengthen your core.  And while it is true that a strong core helps support your back, if you have either acute or chronic low back pain… …There’s almost certainly more to the story. What matters is what’s causing the pain in the first place! I’ll circle back to that in a moment. One way the “do more core” advice is [...]

#1 Biggest Myth Re: Workouts & Low Back Pain2019-10-01T02:21:11-04:00

My “Glory Days” Plan To Get Back My Fitness


Keeping on with the fitness theme this month… I want to share something personal. I’ve been “off track” with my fitness for years now. And I’m finally getting around to having a plan in place to get back into things.  What I’m remembering – and why this may be useful to you – is that it’s no small task.  There’s work, planning, and dedication that goes into it. Here’s the short list of what I’ve put in motion: *Got an accountability coach *I’m writing out my workout plan (with the help of a trainer) *Putting in my calendar the days and [...]

My “Glory Days” Plan To Get Back My Fitness2019-09-24T02:10:27-04:00

Don’t Let Nice Weather Ruin Summer


Did you know that injuries due to exercise send more than fifty thousand Canadians per year to the emergency room?   For the most part, we’re aware of the risks of starting an exercise program.   But less so in connection with seasonal activities (even though we hear about people suffering heart attacks from shovelling snow after long periods of inactivity).   This was driven home to me last weekend when I lay down some new sod in my garden…surprisingly exhausting…truly like a blunt first intense workout.  Stretching was critical, posture too, yet I was still tired and sore for a [...]

Don’t Let Nice Weather Ruin Summer2019-06-11T14:03:11-04:00

3 Spring Workout Mistakes


Spring has sprung! There are two things you can be sure of: (1) there’s even more construction going on than usual.  And (2) people are coming out of hibernation in droves and realizing there’s only 8 weeks left to swimsuit season. Before you put the pedal to the metal, however…a caution.  Here are three mistakes that could be the proverbial fly in your sweet fitness lemonade:   Too much, too soon. I’m not naming any names but this is even truer for a certain segment of the population. Let’s just call them “men". Seriously though, re-booting is tough.  It takes a step-by-step progressive program if you’re [...]

3 Spring Workout Mistakes2019-04-24T13:41:08-04:00
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