Speeding tickets – common?  Of course.  Car accidents? Certainly. Winning the lottery? Maybe not so lucky there.

How about headaches, back pain, neck pain or indigestion?  Absolutely, they are all common, and they occur frequently – in fact the current Canadian statistic says that over 80% of us will experience back pain at some point in our lives.  This makes it a very common occurrence.

Here’s the real question – are they normal?  Ask yourself internally, think about it.  Should you experience back pain, neck pain, or have headaches?  Or do you accept them because at least 2-5 people you know suffer with the same symptoms?  Many of you may, none of you should.

Let’s dispell the myth, clearly, and concisely.  IT IS VERY COMMON FOR THE HUMAN BODY TO EXPRESS SYMPTOMS like the ones mentioned here, and more.  However, it is NOT NORMAL.  Why not, you ask?  If your body is functioning at 100%, you should be symptom free.  Yes, FREE OF SYMPTOMS.

THAT, is normal. THAT, is what our path to perfection should be about, being normal, not common.  Two advertisements recently caught my eye.  Both dealt with… female bladder control – and while the intent was to help, one website link was “one in 3 like me dot something”.  They state that 1 in 3 women have this problem – and that certainly creates reassurance in those who are experiencing it.

Here is my point – there are many symptoms/conditions/diseases that our population and society deal with, and most of them are deemed common, so “we” tend to accept them.  Please don’t.  Challenge yourself, ask yourself, “is this normal?”  Headaches – NOT NORMAL; back or neck pain – NOT NORMAL; indigestion – NOT NORMAL.

All of these conditions, these common problems – can be solved!  Not with Tylenol/Advil/Ibuprofen, but with natural, non-invasive methods.  I have helped hundreds of people with all of these conditions, by addressing their nervous system.  I check for pinched nerves, spinal mis-alignments, and I look to see if the nerves are healing and regulating the body at LESS THAN 100%.  If so, help is on the way.  If not, well, that may account for 2% of the people I am unable to help (and even that is an overstatement, it may only be <1%).  I have also seen these conditions improve via acupuncture, homeopathic remedies, and better posture and exercise habits.

what I DO know:

The master system of a human being is the nervous system – any interference (caused by – you guessed it – repetitive stress and strain) to this system, and the body will operate at far less than 100%; this leads to dysfunction, and eventually SYMPTOMS.  Ignoring nerve interference is like killing the smoke detector while your house burns down…Determining if you have nerve interference is easy – check with a subluxation-based or wellness focused chiropractor, they’ll have the answer.

Now ask yourself – is your situation normal?  Or just common?  Don’t let media, or the popularity of your condition/problem prevent you from doing something about it.  Look for the cause, don’t mask the symptoms!

Until next time,

Dr J