
The Truth About New Year’s Resolutions


Do you think using a different word for something can create a different outcome? For example, we hear so much about resolutions this time of year.  But we also know that, statistically, most New Year’s resolutions fail.  I believe one reason they fail is because they’re about changing things in ourselves, our lives, or our behaviour that we don’t like. There can be a lot of built-up negative emotion around something like that. Whereas feeling grateful for what we currently have (our starting point) seems to me like a much better place from which to ask for improvement. That’s why, personally, [...]

The Truth About New Year’s Resolutions2020-01-08T13:10:08-05:00

Warren Buffet’s #1 Habit For Success (And Mine)


As we cross off the last remaining days on this year’s calendar, I’m already in planning mode for 2020. I like to take time to pause and reflect. And set goals. Do you do something similar? In support of your goals for the New Year, whatever they may be, I thought I’d share this interesting quote from one of the richest men on the planet, Warren Buffet: ==== “The difference between successful people and really successful people is that really successful people say no to almost everything.” ==== The “Oracle of Omaha” has spoken. Present day is less about finding opportunities [...]

Warren Buffet’s #1 Habit For Success (And Mine)2019-12-17T15:44:53-05:00

Prevent “Tech Neck” With This Simple Exercise


“Those who think they have not time for bodily exercise will sooner or later have to find time for illness.” - Edward Smith-Stanley Hi all, Today I’ve got another great resource for you. A big shout out goes out to my patient Jackie for sharing this site with me: Its creator, Katy Bowman, is a biomechanist and best-selling author. Here’s a quote from her I found interesting: ==== “I propose that movement, like food, is not optional; that ailments you may be experiencing are simply (and complexly) symptoms of movement hunger in response to a movement diet that is dangerously [...]

Prevent “Tech Neck” With This Simple Exercise2019-12-03T14:00:10-05:00

Try This Little-Known Harvey Specter Success Secret


Let me share something personal. One of my favourite shows is Suits. I just love all the witty back and forth, the intense personal and courtroom drama, and well…I’ve got two words for you…Harvey Specter. I admit: I’m a fan. As a chiropractor, one of the things I appreciate about Gabriel Macht (the actor who plays Harvey) is how well he portrays the character’s posture and body language. If you haven’t seen the show, Harvey is a high-powered corporate attorney, known as “New York’s best closer”.  And from the moment he enters a scene, you don’t have a shred of doubt [...]

Try This Little-Known Harvey Specter Success Secret2019-11-26T13:48:37-05:00

Prevent Slips And Falls This Winter


In my last blog post I highlighted some of the lovely benefits of chiropractic for seniors. Building on that theme, I’d like to send a big shout out to my patient Sonya who shared with me a resource I didn’t previously know about.  It’s a website that’s crucial for seniors but relevant to everyone, as slips and falls can happen at any age. The website is called Rate My Treads. Check it out here: Its stated goal is to help you “test” your winter footwear. (And prevent slips so you stay safe on the streets.) From the website: ==== “Slips [...]

Prevent Slips And Falls This Winter2019-11-19T14:14:35-05:00

83-Yr-Old Gets Her Groove Back


Meet my patient Doreen. We started working together when she was 82, after we met at a retired persons association meeting where I’d given a talk. Like most people her age, she had several health concerns.  But with regular adjustments she soon found herself with an extra spring in her step.  Most notably, the stiff neck she’d suffered with for years had regained almost full range of motion. Watch this brief video to hear Doreen tell the story in her own words: Here’s what I love about this… Her body, at her age, still has the power to heal! Over [...]

83-Yr-Old Gets Her Groove Back2019-11-11T13:38:30-05:00

How would YOU help these people?


Take a minute and look at the picture below.                 Now let me ask you a question: How would you help these people? The man covering his ears probably can’t hear that well, would you give him a hearing aid? Should the woman in the middle get glasses? What about the man on the right?  A microphone?  Maybe some meds? What drugs would you prescribe for these folks to help them hear, see and speak? You’re right. These are ridiculous suggestions to fix obvious problems. If they’d just remove the interference (i.e. their hands [...]

How would YOU help these people?2019-11-05T12:37:39-05:00

Why You Should NOT See A Chiropractor For Back Pain


In 1927, R. W. Stephenson wrote The Chiropractic Text Book. This text included the entire learning program, from freshman to senior year, for chiropractic study.  Since back and neck pain are the two most common reasons people choose chiropractic, how many times do you think back pain would be found in the index? Keep in mind this is the complete chiropractic text at over 414 pages long. What’s your guess? 50 times? 100? Every page? The answer is [drum roll please]… Not even ONCE. And the reason it's not listed is because chiropractic was founded on principles of healing and well-being, [...]

Why You Should NOT See A Chiropractor For Back Pain2019-10-22T14:25:53-04:00

3 Biggest Running Mistakes


Today’s content is a must-read.  (If not, well, there’s still value in the principles) For me, running is a passion (I sadly can’t remember if I’ve spoken about this passion of mine).  I’m an accomplished half-marathoner at my peak and the main intent of my recent fitness “reboot” has been to go for more runs.  I love the ease of just stepping out the door, it’s literally a no-brainer so long as I’m dressed properly. One caveat: running can be a negative stress on your body as well as all of the positive benefits it procures. Here, for your viewing pleasure, [...]

3 Biggest Running Mistakes2019-10-16T12:59:59-04:00

7 Famous People Who Love Chiropractors


            Change of pace today. My tribute email a few weeks ago about Dr. Franco Columbu mentioned his best pal Arnie’s regular cheerleading of chiropractic.  That got me thinking… What other famous people both love and swear by chiropractic?  So I did a little digging.  And I was pleasantly surprised to discover some pretty illustrious folks singing the praises of my profession. Thought you might find this interesting. Take a look: TIGER WOODS “Being a chiropractic patient has really helped me a lot. When I was in a growth spurt, my back became very sore, and [...]

7 Famous People Who Love Chiropractors2019-10-08T02:30:06-04:00
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