Dr J’s unique angle

When life happens…


Greetings! It has been a while since I've posted anything, and while excuses are a plenty, the reason is life - it got in the way, I got busy, I got excited, and this newer venture of mine "fell off the wagon" of progress. Therefore, just a quick note to say I'm back, and posts, and intriguing health information will make it's way to you soon!! thanks for visiting, reading, and commenting! Yours in health, Dr J

When life happens…2010-05-10T12:32:19-04:00

Talking Natural Health


I had so much fun the last time I spoke on Liquid Lunch - the web-based talk show on That Channel - that I decided to become a regular monthly guest.  Here is the first installment!

Talking Natural Health2010-04-30T13:00:24-04:00

Physical activity is crucial


After a 3-year hiatus from serious long-distance running, I've been reminded how crucial it is to be consistent, as is true with many things we do in life. Time and repetition create change, and allow us to achieve our goals. I am now through my second week of a Running Room 10-km clinic, and feel the amazing rush of how much our human bodies crave motion. My goal is to return to a 1/2 marathon level, and this takes time, but it is my goal. I feel amazing, tired, and more stretching becomes crucial to enhance performance. Can't wait for my [...]

Physical activity is crucial2010-03-28T10:08:05-04:00



As a health professional, it is my obligation (yes, my governing body requires it), but also my personal satisfaction (I love to learn) to attend conferences about health and healing. I had the privilege to be in California this past weekend at one of the most influential and informative events of my life.  California Jam, an event in its 3rd year, similar to other chiropractic conferences, but different, has me inspired!! I have always loved chiropractic, what it truly stands for and how it has helped improve the health of millions of individuals across the globe.  In my own community, I [...]


Common Vs. Normal


Speeding tickets - common?  Of course.  Car accidents? Certainly. Winning the lottery? Maybe not so lucky there. How about headaches, back pain, neck pain or indigestion?  Absolutely, they are all common, and they occur frequently - in fact the current Canadian statistic says that over 80% of us will experience back pain at some point in our lives.  This makes it a very common occurrence. Here's the real question - are they normal?  Ask yourself internally, think about it.  Should you experience back pain, neck pain, or have headaches?  Or do you accept them because at least 2-5 people you know [...]

Common Vs. Normal2010-03-04T11:47:50-05:00
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