Keeping on with the fitness theme this month…
I want to share something personal.
I’ve been “off track” with my fitness for years now.
And I’m finally getting around to having a plan in place to get back into things. What I’m remembering – and why this may be useful to you – is that it’s no small task. There’s work, planning, and dedication that goes into it.
Here’s the short list of what I’ve put in motion:
*Got an accountability coach
*I’m writing out my workout plan (with the help of a trainer)
*Putting in my calendar the days and times I’ll work out
*And balancing that with my wife’s own desire to get her body back post-partum (meaning creating space in the calendar for her workouts as well)
*And more
The execution of all this it can be short and sweet; you don’t need crazy hours each week to be successful. The point is to understand your “why” for making it a priority and the real value it adds to your life (which is your biggest motivator). Then, be determined in organizing yourself and your environment so at the very least it CAN happen.
Also, I’m a foodie.
I eat well, don’t get me wrong. But I’d rather workout a bit more and enjoy the occasional indulgence. Key word: occasional. Remember, you can never “outrun” a bad diet. And most calories are easier to take in than they are to burn off. That said, if you’re wise enough to be honest with yourself about your limits, you can build in the right amount of balance.
Last but not least, the biggest adjustment for me is just to be more adaptable. Maybe you can relate. I’m the stubborn son of an engineer who likes order and following a schedule. And I can get frustrated when things don’t go to plan.
I’ve worked hard since Hayden came along (and even harder now with Beverly) to go with the flow and shift my plan when needed. But it’s not easy! That’s when coming back to why you want it and being process-focused (“What is it I can do?”) vs. worrying about things outside your control can make all the difference.
That’s it in a nutshell.
I’ll keep you posted as I go.
Hopefully, in my story you’ll recognize some of the same challenges you face (busy career, family commitments) and you’ll find how I’m dealing with this helpful.
And as always, if sleep issues, injury issues, or pain or stress are at all factors in your not having the health you want, send me an email or call the office to schedule an assessment to find out how I can help.
You don’t have face these challenges alone!
Sincerely In Health,
Dr. Josh