best chiropractor annex toronto

Live A Lifestyle That Supports Brain Health


If you’re like me and you love a lifestyle of wellness, you have various health goals. Is your brain health at the top of the list?  That may seem like a silly question; of course, we know the brain is important! While we can survive having an appendix or gallbladder removed, or even have a heart or lung transplant, our brain remains absolutely essential. However, we may be spending more time caring for and maintaining the parts of our body that call for attention urgently, rather than focusing on what is overall vital to our existence. For example, we brush our [...]

Live A Lifestyle That Supports Brain Health2022-03-03T10:55:22-05:00

What a Pain! Causes & Natural Tips for Lower Back Issues


You stand up, rubbing your lower back, leaning back slightly trying to stretch it. But the ache of lower back pain continues throughout your day and into the night. An estimated 4%-25% of adults worldwide suffer from chronic low back pain. Understanding the possible causes can help you take steps to find relief naturally. Causes of Lower Back Pain: A variety of elements may come together, increasing the likelihood of discomfort in the lower back.  Your genetics could be a factor, combined with posture and trauma. As you can see in the list below, your career can also be a factor [...]

What a Pain! Causes & Natural Tips for Lower Back Issues2022-02-04T13:08:38-05:00

6 Common Headache Triggers & Natural Options


Headaches are a part of life for far too many people. Headaches may keep us from doing our jobs or doing them effectively. They may hinder our relationships as our emotional fuse shortens with this discomfort. They may also slow us down from being active and reaching other health goals.  So WHY do people get headaches, and what can we do about them when we want to live a vibrant, natural life? (There are many more possible causes and triggers, but let’s focus on these six.) Common Causes & Triggers of Headaches  Chemical - You may have heard someone say that [...]

6 Common Headache Triggers & Natural Options2022-01-05T12:48:46-05:00

Ways to Stay Active in the Toronto Winter


During the winter, it’s all too easy to settle into a more sedentary lifestyle. As a Toronto chiropractor, I want to give you some tips and encouragement. Let’s talk about simple ways to stay active and counteract busy school or work schedules or extreme weather.  Get Moving It doesn’t have to be a complicated workout, but get your body moving often. Staying active during this season has multiple benefits: Improves mood with endorphins Improves or maintains flexibility Improves heart health Increases or maintains muscle strength Stimulates brain function   Movement is vital for us physically and mentally! “90% of the stimulation [...]

Ways to Stay Active in the Toronto Winter2021-12-06T17:17:42-05:00

Mental Health: How Chiropractic Affects Your Parasympathetic Nervous System


Our minds and bodies affect each other in a beautiful cycle that sometimes gets unbalanced. Chiropractic care and other natural self-care can positively affect both mental and physical health at the same time. As life gets busy with activities and holidays, we want to take a moment to remind you to take care of yourself, and share practical tips on how you can do that!  Parasympathetic State and Mental Health Your autonomic nervous system has a big effect on your mental health. It has two main responses, sympathetic and parasympathetic. Let me explain why that’s important. The parasympathetic response is also [...]

Mental Health: How Chiropractic Affects Your Parasympathetic Nervous System2021-11-05T14:11:17-04:00

Time and Repetition in Chiropractic Care


Time and Repetition can build us up or tear us down! We can let repeated stressors, postures and movements wear down our bodies.  OR... We can harness the power of Time and Repetition with positive action, like getting adjusted regularly, eating well daily, practicing self-care and exercising/moving often.  Let’s dig into some frequently asked questions about chiropractic care and how this regular wellness care can serve you and your family! Can I get results from one adjustment? If we had a magic adjustment, there’d be a line down the street of folks coming to get it! Some people do feel an [...]

Time and Repetition in Chiropractic Care2021-10-12T12:00:19-04:00

This Made Me Think Of You


Allow me tell you a quick personal story. On Valentine’s Sunday, my son Hayden made a trip to the hospital for a few chin stitches, after a run-in with a pole during tobogganing. Now don’t worry – Hayden is ok, and enjoying the return to school almost as much as his exhausted parents! Aside from a big band-aid altering his jaw opening “comfort”, he was himself again just a few hours later. (Kids bounce back so fast, don’t they?) But when the dust finally settled after our hectic day, my chiropractor’s brain finished connecting a few dots…and it prompted this note. [...]

This Made Me Think Of You2021-02-17T20:03:26-05:00

Sleep Better Using This Free Website


If you’d like (or need!) some simple ways to sleep better, here’s a great free resource. My patient Georgia recently introduced me to this  According to the site, which is a not-for-profit run by sleep researchers at Dalhousie University, they have two goals: 1) to help people with insomnia get their sleep back without medications; and 2) to help people stop taking sleeping pills safely and effectively. After perusing the site, I can tell you it is a goldmine of great sleep insights! You’ll find tips, ideas, and strategies for better sleep, learn about the dangers of sleeping pills, and [...]

Sleep Better Using This Free Website2020-12-15T17:31:41-05:00

Headaches? 3 Questions You Must Ask Yourself


There’s no two ways about it – headaches suck. I meet a variety of headache sufferers in my practice. For some, when a headache or migraine strikes, life comes to a complete HALT and they run for cover in a dark room. For others, they may notice a dull headache that lasts up to ten days or more, which they manage with over-the-counter pain meds. Neither is to be scoffed at. If you’ve ever struggled with this problem, here are three questions you must ask yourself first: 1. Are You Hydrated Enough? One of the simplest causes of headaches is dehydration. [...]

Headaches? 3 Questions You Must Ask Yourself2020-12-08T13:30:58-05:00

4 Easy Ways To Boost Kids’ Immunity


I haven’t done a kids’ health topic for a while. And with most kids being back in school, I thought it timely to mention a few tips on immune system boosting in the younger generation. These tips will not only help protect kids against the present threat but are also great for preventing seasonal sniffles and coughs that would keep them out of school. Alright, enough build up. Here they are: 1. Vitamin D and C Fruits and veggies are kids’ easiest and best sources of the amazing immunity nutrient that is vitamin C. Making sure kids get C from healthy [...]

4 Easy Ways To Boost Kids’ Immunity2020-12-04T17:11:41-05:00
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