chiropractor annex toronto

New Study: The True Power Of Exercise


I hope you’re managing – I’m just about to head to the clinic for Tuesday’s emergency /acute care adjustment hours, and wanted to share this. A new study out of The University Of Sydney is proving the effects of exercise on metabolism might be even more profound than we thought. The researchers set out to turn down the “noise” of hard-to-control factors like age, gender, work environment, diet, and stress. So what they did is examine the metabolic profiles of 52 healthy young men who’d just joined the Australian military.  They were tested before and after 80 days of “basic training”.  The soldiers [...]

New Study: The True Power Of Exercise2020-04-07T13:06:54-04:00

How To “Self-Adjust”, Sort Of


I enjoyed many of the responses that came my way from my "healthy living at home" post recently. One that I particularly enjoyed was from a patient who said: “I was hoping you would tell us how to adjust ourselves!” And, well…no. :-) There’s no reliable or safe way to self-adjust.  But there’s another point I’d love to drive home in this week’s instalment which is this: yoga/stretching/motion/regular body movements, etc…ALL will help keep the spine more fluid and flexible vs. all the sitting and being glued to their smartphones most people are likely up to during this lockdown.  I won’t [...]

How To “Self-Adjust”, Sort Of2020-03-31T13:22:47-04:00

The Shut-In’s Guide To Healthy Living


How are you (my dear reader) during all this? I’ve been collecting my thoughts and working again on balance. Life would be easier without the 2 kids to manage during the daytime. And I can share earnestly that this week has been harsher than I thought emotionally. That said, now that I’ve had some time to adapt (and could still use more), I’ll be keeping in touch with tips and ideas for what you can do to stay healthy during our temporary “house arrest”. For today’s installment, here are a few recommendations I believe deserve your extra intention right now: 1. [...]

The Shut-In’s Guide To Healthy Living2020-03-24T08:18:59-04:00

Try This Unusual Mood-Boosting Tip


Hola from Mexico! As I’m enjoying a little sun, sand, and fresh air on this family vacation (first one for baby Beverly), I decided to take a time-out to send you this little note. I'll keep this short and to the point: I just completed a wonderful little business book called The Go-Giver (Have you read it?  If so, comment and tell me your thoughts), and I thought I’d share the results of a really interesting study.  The study is not referenced in the book, but it’s related to the book’s premise. Researchers at the University of Michigan reported that older people [...]

Try This Unusual Mood-Boosting Tip2020-02-25T13:49:04-05:00

When “Good” Stress Turns Bad


Let me tell you a quick story. In 2018, my wife and I bought our first house (together - I had owned property myself prior to meeting her).  As it is for most first-time home-buyers, it was an exciting prospect.  I was all in, and this time it was far more exciting. When we closed, I found myself thinking about furniture; making the home "ours". I was running around trying to bring together various pieces, exploring a bunch of websites and haunting online reviews, all while trying to keep to our budget and be true to the feeling and flow we [...]

When “Good” Stress Turns Bad2020-02-19T13:35:52-05:00

5 Reasons To Take A Break From Alcohol


“Good actions give strength to ourselves, and inspire good actions in others.” -- Samuel Smiles   You may not know this. But many people are participating in a campaign called Dry Feb this month. Check it out here: The short version is you agree to give up alcohol for the month of February to help raise funds for cancer research.  What a great idea.  Do something for your health and contribute to a cause while you’re at it! It’s win-win. Any type or amount of alcohol increases your cancer risk. According to the website, in 2017, an estimated 8,000 cancers [...]

5 Reasons To Take A Break From Alcohol2020-02-04T13:26:08-05:00

Are You Toxic? (The Answer May Surprise You)


Cautionary tale today. A “chemical revolution” over the past 50 years has polluted nearly every aspect of our lives. The truth is we still have much to learn about the long term health risks this poses. But research has shown that every single one of us carries synthetic chemicals in our body. And it’s estimated the average person is exposed to 200 chemical toxins a day. Bill Moyer, author of the Moyer report, was tested for chemical toxins in his blood and urine at Mount Sinai School of Medicine. They found 84 different hazardous chemicals, including some that’ve been banned for [...]

Are You Toxic? (The Answer May Surprise You)2019-12-10T15:36:31-05:00

Why You Should NOT See A Chiropractor For Back Pain


In 1927, R. W. Stephenson wrote The Chiropractic Text Book. This text included the entire learning program, from freshman to senior year, for chiropractic study.  Since back and neck pain are the two most common reasons people choose chiropractic, how many times do you think back pain would be found in the index? Keep in mind this is the complete chiropractic text at over 414 pages long. What’s your guess? 50 times? 100? Every page? The answer is [drum roll please]… Not even ONCE. And the reason it's not listed is because chiropractic was founded on principles of healing and well-being, [...]

Why You Should NOT See A Chiropractor For Back Pain2019-10-22T14:25:53-04:00

7 Famous People Who Love Chiropractors


            Change of pace today. My tribute email a few weeks ago about Dr. Franco Columbu mentioned his best pal Arnie’s regular cheerleading of chiropractic.  That got me thinking… What other famous people both love and swear by chiropractic?  So I did a little digging.  And I was pleasantly surprised to discover some pretty illustrious folks singing the praises of my profession. Thought you might find this interesting. Take a look: TIGER WOODS “Being a chiropractic patient has really helped me a lot. When I was in a growth spurt, my back became very sore, and [...]

7 Famous People Who Love Chiropractors2019-10-08T02:30:06-04:00

#1 Biggest Myth Re: Workouts & Low Back Pain


Did you know that working your core might be making your low back pain worse? Continuing with the fitness theme, I’m covering a very common misconception today.  So many people have heard that to prevent low back pain you need to strengthen your core.  And while it is true that a strong core helps support your back, if you have either acute or chronic low back pain… …There’s almost certainly more to the story. What matters is what’s causing the pain in the first place! I’ll circle back to that in a moment. One way the “do more core” advice is [...]

#1 Biggest Myth Re: Workouts & Low Back Pain2019-10-01T02:21:11-04:00
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