healthy eating

Chiropractic and The Domino Effect of Health and Wellness


Have you ever set up a line of dominos, only to watch them all fall with a single touch? Your spine works similarly. When one part is out of alignment, it can trigger a cascade of effects throughout your body. Let's explore this fascinating domino effect and how chiropractic care can help reverse it. The Spine: Your Body's Command Center Your spine is more than just a structural support. It's the protective housing for your spinal cord, the interstate of information between your brain and your body. When your spine is properly aligned, it allows for optimal nerve flow throughout every [...]

Chiropractic and The Domino Effect of Health and Wellness2024-09-05T13:28:44-04:00

Unblocking the Nerve Pathways to Better Digestion: How Chiropractic Care Can Make a Difference


While digestion is a simple concept, it’s also a complex network of organs that work together to break down food and absorb nutrients. When your digestive function is impaired, it can seriously impact your quality of life!  This is far too common of a problem, with approximately 20 million Canadians experiencing some form of digestive disorder each year (according to the Canadian Digestive Health Foundation.)  While medical treatments can be effective for some individuals, many are turning to natural approaches to help restore digestive function. In this post, we'll explore how improving nervous system function with chiropractic can have a positive [...]

Unblocking the Nerve Pathways to Better Digestion: How Chiropractic Care Can Make a Difference2023-03-02T10:37:14-05:00

I Dared Him To Answer This


As we (hopefully) turn the corner toward spring, more and more folks will be gearing up to shed those unwanted winter quarantine pounds. So I challenged a personal trainer friend of mine and asked him: “If you had just a few minutes to transform someone’s fitness forever, and you could never speak to that person again, what advice would you give them?” Here’s the 4 gems he answered with: 1. Try not to do too much too soon. Waiting rooms are full of weekend warriors who injured themselves or fizzled out by going hard when their bodies simply weren’t ready. Sometimes [...]

I Dared Him To Answer This2021-09-10T17:21:09-04:00

4 Easy Ways To Boost Kids’ Immunity


I haven’t done a kids’ health topic for a while. And with most kids being back in school, I thought it timely to mention a few tips on immune system boosting in the younger generation. These tips will not only help protect kids against the present threat but are also great for preventing seasonal sniffles and coughs that would keep them out of school. Alright, enough build up. Here they are: 1. Vitamin D and C Fruits and veggies are kids’ easiest and best sources of the amazing immunity nutrient that is vitamin C. Making sure kids get C from healthy [...]

4 Easy Ways To Boost Kids’ Immunity2020-12-04T17:11:41-05:00

Beat Inflammation With This Vital “Super Nutrient”


Author Norman Cousins famously wrote about how he beat cancer with a steady diet of humorous videos.  Never forget - laughter has amazing power to heal, especially in trying times.  Let this cartoon be a small reminder to find ways to laugh today! Short and sweet today. What if I told you that by taking one simple nutrient you can… *Reduce inflammation and pain*Release body fat *Boost your body’s natural immune response*Lubricate joints so you move more freely*Feed brain cell membranes and protect your mind*Improve skin, hair and nails for a more youthful appearance Would you want to know more? This [...]

Beat Inflammation With This Vital “Super Nutrient”2020-11-24T18:19:03-05:00

3 Simple Ways To Boost Your Immune Confidence


How well do you understand your immunity? What regular actions are you taking to ensure you stay healthy? With things reopening and persistent fears of a “second wave”, my next few emails will focus on simple things you can do as soon as today to boost your health and feel more trust in your body’s natural immunity. First, a thought. Scientists are finding that the main factor of this virus responsible for hospitalizations is “hyper-inflammation” (especially as it concerns the lungs).  Some inflammation is part of your body’s normal immune response.  But when your immunity isn’t strong enough, it’s quickly overwhelmed by invaders [...]

3 Simple Ways To Boost Your Immune Confidence2020-07-07T17:55:14-04:00

Your 2020 Fast-Start Plan


Happy New Year! Today’s tip is simple and straightforward, the way I like it. Hormones dictate how we feel.  The amount of confidence, joy, energy, and connection with other humans you experience are all tied to your hormonal well-being. And how you eat is a big factor in your hormonal health. You can effectively change the person you are…become happier, stronger, more motivated, more loving…simply by eating better. If you want more out of 2020 – start there. Sound obvious?  Perhaps.  But here’s something else to think about: this is not only about choosing healthy options.  For instance, did you know [...]

Your 2020 Fast-Start Plan2020-01-01T12:48:47-05:00

Are You Toxic? (The Answer May Surprise You)


Cautionary tale today. A “chemical revolution” over the past 50 years has polluted nearly every aspect of our lives. The truth is we still have much to learn about the long term health risks this poses. But research has shown that every single one of us carries synthetic chemicals in our body. And it’s estimated the average person is exposed to 200 chemical toxins a day. Bill Moyer, author of the Moyer report, was tested for chemical toxins in his blood and urine at Mount Sinai School of Medicine. They found 84 different hazardous chemicals, including some that’ve been banned for [...]

Are You Toxic? (The Answer May Surprise You)2019-12-10T15:36:31-05:00

My “Glory Days” Plan To Get Back My Fitness


Keeping on with the fitness theme this month… I want to share something personal. I’ve been “off track” with my fitness for years now. And I’m finally getting around to having a plan in place to get back into things.  What I’m remembering – and why this may be useful to you – is that it’s no small task.  There’s work, planning, and dedication that goes into it. Here’s the short list of what I’ve put in motion: *Got an accountability coach *I’m writing out my workout plan (with the help of a trainer) *Putting in my calendar the days and [...]

My “Glory Days” Plan To Get Back My Fitness2019-09-24T02:10:27-04:00

5 Rules For 100 Years of Quality Life


My title today sounds ambitious, it’s true. But I’ve never been more convinced that anyone can enjoy vibrant health and a high standard of life throughout a full 100-year lifespan.  We’re taught to think that we’re born, we live, then we get a disease and we die.  It doesn’t have to be that way!  I’m not saying you can live forever.  But you can live up to your potential throughout ALL your years. And it doesn’t have to be that hard. Here are 5 simple rules for 100-years of healthy life: Eat well. Kick the SAD (Standard American Diet) out of [...]

5 Rules For 100 Years of Quality Life2019-08-13T12:47:42-04:00
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