annex family chiropractic

6 Common Headache Triggers & Natural Options


Headaches are a part of life for far too many people. Headaches may keep us from doing our jobs or doing them effectively. They may hinder our relationships as our emotional fuse shortens with this discomfort. They may also slow us down from being active and reaching other health goals.  So WHY do people get headaches, and what can we do about them when we want to live a vibrant, natural life? (There are many more possible causes and triggers, but let’s focus on these six.) Common Causes & Triggers of Headaches  Chemical - You may have heard someone say that [...]

6 Common Headache Triggers & Natural Options2022-01-05T12:48:46-05:00

Ways to Stay Active in the Toronto Winter


During the winter, it’s all too easy to settle into a more sedentary lifestyle. As a Toronto chiropractor, I want to give you some tips and encouragement. Let’s talk about simple ways to stay active and counteract busy school or work schedules or extreme weather.  Get Moving It doesn’t have to be a complicated workout, but get your body moving often. Staying active during this season has multiple benefits: Improves mood with endorphins Improves or maintains flexibility Improves heart health Increases or maintains muscle strength Stimulates brain function   Movement is vital for us physically and mentally! “90% of the stimulation [...]

Ways to Stay Active in the Toronto Winter2021-12-06T17:17:42-05:00

Mental Health: How Chiropractic Affects Your Parasympathetic Nervous System


Our minds and bodies affect each other in a beautiful cycle that sometimes gets unbalanced. Chiropractic care and other natural self-care can positively affect both mental and physical health at the same time. As life gets busy with activities and holidays, we want to take a moment to remind you to take care of yourself, and share practical tips on how you can do that!  Parasympathetic State and Mental Health Your autonomic nervous system has a big effect on your mental health. It has two main responses, sympathetic and parasympathetic. Let me explain why that’s important. The parasympathetic response is also [...]

Mental Health: How Chiropractic Affects Your Parasympathetic Nervous System2021-11-05T14:11:17-04:00

Time and Repetition in Chiropractic Care


Time and Repetition can build us up or tear us down! We can let repeated stressors, postures and movements wear down our bodies.  OR... We can harness the power of Time and Repetition with positive action, like getting adjusted regularly, eating well daily, practicing self-care and exercising/moving often.  Let’s dig into some frequently asked questions about chiropractic care and how this regular wellness care can serve you and your family! Can I get results from one adjustment? If we had a magic adjustment, there’d be a line down the street of folks coming to get it! Some people do feel an [...]

Time and Repetition in Chiropractic Care2021-10-12T12:00:19-04:00

[New Video] Stronger Hips, Legs and Arches In Minutes A Day


If you’d like to know a simple way to self-check your hip, knee, ankle, and arch stability…and strengthen supporting muscles in just minutes a day…then today’s article will show you how.  In fact, if you did little else than master this simple move, it could go a long way toward lessening any aches and pains you may be feeling in your lower body. It’s not foam rolling or stretching, it’s more activation-based, & it touches almost every important muscle for mobility and strength from your hips on down. What is this “magic” exercise? None other than the Single Leg Squat. See, [...]

[New Video] Stronger Hips, Legs and Arches In Minutes A Day2021-09-10T17:21:08-04:00

6 Key Wellness Habits


In the “react and respond” health environment we live in, more people are becoming proactive (vs. reactive) about wellness. They’re turning to chiropractic, meditation, nutrition, yoga and exercise to improve their health. Why are they making this shift? Because they intuitively know wellness is more than the absence of disease. Wellness is an expression of your highest potential as a human being. When you’re at your peak mentally, physically, chemically and spiritually, the possibilities are endless! Wellness is more than just reacting to problems and illness. It’s about "right and wrong." Rather than focus on what’s ‘wrong’ with you or what [...]

6 Key Wellness Habits2021-09-10T17:21:08-04:00

Getting Antsy? 5 Ways To Shake Up Working From Home


If you find yourself getting even the teensiest bit antsy (over VERY antsy) because you're stuck working at home, here are a few simple ways to shake things up. I’ve taken some tips I heard about from a productivity coach and spiced them up by adding my own chiropractic spin to them. And a quick reminder that we’ll be closed for the “original” March Break (15th-19th). My wife and I intend to take full advantage of daycare and school to daytrip for some tranquil hikes outside the city! Without further preamble, here they are: 1. Change how you write your to-do [...]

Getting Antsy? 5 Ways To Shake Up Working From Home2021-02-25T20:07:20-05:00

This Made Me Think Of You


Allow me tell you a quick personal story. On Valentine’s Sunday, my son Hayden made a trip to the hospital for a few chin stitches, after a run-in with a pole during tobogganing. Now don’t worry – Hayden is ok, and enjoying the return to school almost as much as his exhausted parents! Aside from a big band-aid altering his jaw opening “comfort”, he was himself again just a few hours later. (Kids bounce back so fast, don’t they?) But when the dust finally settled after our hectic day, my chiropractor’s brain finished connecting a few dots…and it prompted this note. [...]

This Made Me Think Of You2021-02-17T20:03:26-05:00

4 Gentle Exercises For Low Back Pain


With many folks more sedentary these days (and working in ad hoc home office setups), low back pain complaints are all too common.To make matters worse, our first instinct is often to do nothing, and rest. While this may make sense in acute cases or during flare-ups, avoiding exercise can lead to a cycle of weaker muscles and MORE pain in the long run.Here, then, are 4 gentle full-body moves you can do to lessen the pain over time (Note: If you can’t quite picture how any of the above exercises go, each exercise is linked to a YouTube search for [...]

4 Gentle Exercises For Low Back Pain2021-02-09T19:59:53-05:00

7 Habits to Increase Your Energy


If you’d like to know some simple ways you can have more energy as soon as today, then you’ll want to pay close attention to this list.  The following 7 habits are part of the M.O. of almost all the world’s most high-energy people.  And, since I’m on this same quest to reduce parental fatigue, I thought it was worth sharing! Enjoy! 1. Go to sleep earlier. Sleep is one of the founding pillars of health.  Few things will do more for your energy, mood, and mindset than improving the amount of quality zzz’s you get each night. Try my 30 [...]

7 Habits to Increase Your Energy2021-01-28T13:21:04-05:00
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