back pain relief

[New Video] Stronger Hips, Legs and Arches In Minutes A Day


If you’d like to know a simple way to self-check your hip, knee, ankle, and arch stability…and strengthen supporting muscles in just minutes a day…then today’s article will show you how.  In fact, if you did little else than master this simple move, it could go a long way toward lessening any aches and pains you may be feeling in your lower body. It’s not foam rolling or stretching, it’s more activation-based, & it touches almost every important muscle for mobility and strength from your hips on down. What is this “magic” exercise? None other than the Single Leg Squat. See, [...]

[New Video] Stronger Hips, Legs and Arches In Minutes A Day2021-09-10T17:21:08-04:00

Getting Antsy? 5 Ways To Shake Up Working From Home


If you find yourself getting even the teensiest bit antsy (over VERY antsy) because you're stuck working at home, here are a few simple ways to shake things up. I’ve taken some tips I heard about from a productivity coach and spiced them up by adding my own chiropractic spin to them. And a quick reminder that we’ll be closed for the “original” March Break (15th-19th). My wife and I intend to take full advantage of daycare and school to daytrip for some tranquil hikes outside the city! Without further preamble, here they are: 1. Change how you write your to-do [...]

Getting Antsy? 5 Ways To Shake Up Working From Home2021-02-25T20:07:20-05:00

Your Most Important Ritual For Working From Home


Before we get into today’s content, a correction.In last week’s email I added an image of my new adjusting tool, the Accustim. However, depending on what email provider you’re with, this may have landed in your inbox instead as a description vs an actual image. Oops! Sorry about that. Here is, in fact, what it looks like:   I promise it’s far less intimidating than it appears. 😉  One of the takeaways of that email was how the repetitive woodpecker-like action of the Accustim helps “interrupt” and repeat the manual touch of your chiropractor so the neurologic feedback is more consistent throughout [...]

Your Most Important Ritual For Working From Home2020-09-29T15:00:45-04:00

Meet The Accustim: A New Tool For “Wow” Adjustments


Say hello to my little friend! (I couldn’t resist the reference!) The Accustim is a new adjusting tool I’ve recently added to my toolbox. I’ve already received MANY positive comments on its results and two patients have coined it the “woodpecker”. 😊 What’s it all about? Glad you asked. This simple device uses a series of tiny thrusts to help us chiropractors produce “wow” adjustments and potentially huge improvements in range of motion. And since it feels almost somewhat like a massage, it’s perfect for patients who find traditional adjustments too forceful…it jives with my “gentle” approach…AND it allows me to easily modulate [...]

Meet The Accustim: A New Tool For “Wow” Adjustments2020-09-22T13:19:37-04:00

7 Reasons Why People In Pain Need Movement


Straight to it, here they are: Strength Strong muscles act as a support structure.  One common example is how strengthening your core can help with low back pain.  When your core functions as it should, it can “prop up” and take stress away from a sore low back. Note, the “core” is much broader than some people realize, it’s as high as your pectorals and shoulders, and as low as your gluteus and hamstring muscles. Natural pain relief Exercise has a proven pain-inhibiting effect.  One way it does this is by releasing “feel-good” brain chemicals (e.g. endorphins) that dim pain signals. [...]

7 Reasons Why People In Pain Need Movement2020-08-25T21:39:17-04:00

3 Simple Ways To Boost Your Immune Confidence


How well do you understand your immunity? What regular actions are you taking to ensure you stay healthy? With things reopening and persistent fears of a “second wave”, my next few emails will focus on simple things you can do as soon as today to boost your health and feel more trust in your body’s natural immunity. First, a thought. Scientists are finding that the main factor of this virus responsible for hospitalizations is “hyper-inflammation” (especially as it concerns the lungs).  Some inflammation is part of your body’s normal immune response.  But when your immunity isn’t strong enough, it’s quickly overwhelmed by invaders [...]

3 Simple Ways To Boost Your Immune Confidence2020-07-07T17:55:14-04:00

Why Runners Should Get Stronger


I haven’t done a running theme for a while.  Even if you’re not a runner, read on, you may still gain some health knowledge. Chances are you know I love to run.  And while I haven’t been consistently running, it’s a work in progress, as Hayden can’t get enough of it these days, and he’s a great motivator!  And since it seems the lockdown has pushed many more into our ranks, I thought it was time to show a little love to the runners. So for your viewing pleasure today, here is why I strongly feel runners should get stronger (let’s [...]

Why Runners Should Get Stronger2020-06-23T17:30:26-04:00

Top 4 Biggest Pain Myths


Today I’m laying down a trail of bread crumbs that, if you follow it, might just lead you (or anyone you care about) to be pain-free, or far closer to it. So without further suspense, here are my Top 4 Biggest Pain MYTHS: “It’s better just to lie in bed.” It’s a common misbelief that the answer to pain is simply to rest it.  This one’s been debunked for a while actually - research shows that most painful conditions need some sort of movement in order to heal.  Movement helps blood flow, preserves muscle strength, and prevents fear that inhibits recovery. What type [...]

Top 4 Biggest Pain Myths2020-06-17T15:01:01-04:00

How To Avoid Neck Or Back Pain From Yard Work


In my last email I mentioned we’re making our backyard more hospitable for extended homestays. This is going to require a little landscaping and other forms of yard work.  I even got Hayden in on the fun this week.  Here’s a peak behind-the-scenes: Well, it turns out I’m not the only one who had this idea. I guess with most of us being stuck at home, and the weather getting warmer (fingers crossed), some of my colleagues this week reported more “essential” visits from patients who were hit with neck or back pain from yard work or gardening. So here are a [...]

How To Avoid Neck Or Back Pain From Yard Work2020-04-21T13:31:15-04:00

What To Do When You Hit A Healing Plateau


A while back I shared with you my own struggles with a painful shoulder.  I’d been having decent success recovering when, out of the blue, I got an idea. You see, I’d met an RMT/Osteopath named Ryan P. when he became a member of my practice (so I worked on him first).  I knew he was downstairs at Sutherland Chan, but I was already seeing a few other therapists and for a little while, I was hesitant to reverse the doctor/patient relationship.  Alas, I decided around the holidays to go see him, "all in". I now find Ryan to be very [...]

What To Do When You Hit A Healing Plateau2020-03-10T14:39:29-04:00
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