chiropractic toronto

This Made Me Think Of You


Allow me tell you a quick personal story. On Valentine’s Sunday, my son Hayden made a trip to the hospital for a few chin stitches, after a run-in with a pole during tobogganing. Now don’t worry – Hayden is ok, and enjoying the return to school almost as much as his exhausted parents! Aside from a big band-aid altering his jaw opening “comfort”, he was himself again just a few hours later. (Kids bounce back so fast, don’t they?) But when the dust finally settled after our hectic day, my chiropractor’s brain finished connecting a few dots…and it prompted this note. [...]

This Made Me Think Of You2021-02-17T20:03:26-05:00

7 Habits to Increase Your Energy


If you’d like to know some simple ways you can have more energy as soon as today, then you’ll want to pay close attention to this list.  The following 7 habits are part of the M.O. of almost all the world’s most high-energy people.  And, since I’m on this same quest to reduce parental fatigue, I thought it was worth sharing! Enjoy! 1. Go to sleep earlier. Sleep is one of the founding pillars of health.  Few things will do more for your energy, mood, and mindset than improving the amount of quality zzz’s you get each night. Try my 30 [...]

7 Habits to Increase Your Energy2021-01-28T13:21:04-05:00

4 Easy Ways To Boost Kids’ Immunity


I haven’t done a kids’ health topic for a while. And with most kids being back in school, I thought it timely to mention a few tips on immune system boosting in the younger generation. These tips will not only help protect kids against the present threat but are also great for preventing seasonal sniffles and coughs that would keep them out of school. Alright, enough build up. Here they are: 1. Vitamin D and C Fruits and veggies are kids’ easiest and best sources of the amazing immunity nutrient that is vitamin C. Making sure kids get C from healthy [...]

4 Easy Ways To Boost Kids’ Immunity2020-12-04T17:11:41-05:00

Why Would A Healthy Athlete Use A Chiropractor?


Here’s something to think about. With gym closures, so many people are becoming “road warriors” and turning to biking or running for fitness.  Injuries from these types of activities are on the rise. That said, even healthy, top-tier athletes like Tiger Woods and Tom Brady have turned to chiropractic care to give them an edge. Indeed, A study by Anthony Lauro D.C. and Brian Mouch, D.C. showed how athletic ability can be enhanced by chiropractic care. The study looked at healthy athletes who didn’t have any musculoskeletal injuries. The goal for these athletes wasn’t to diagnose disease, but to pinpoint subluxations that could [...]

Why Would A Healthy Athlete Use A Chiropractor?2020-11-10T18:11:51-05:00

Try This Simple Rule For Better Sleep


Perhaps the #2 complaint I hear – from new patients anyway – is “I don’t have enough energy”. (COVID work-from-home scenarios have increased spine & body pain complaints up to #1) Well, it might not surprise you to know that the foundation for energy is none other than consistently getting a better quality of sleep. And while some people claim they’re good with six hours or so, research would suggest otherwise. According to most studies on cognition, 7-8 hours is mandatory. Researchers have also found that the effect of not enough sleep builds up! This is true even if subjects don’t [...]

Try This Simple Rule For Better Sleep2020-10-13T16:09:46-04:00

Your Most Important Ritual For Working From Home


Before we get into today’s content, a correction.In last week’s email I added an image of my new adjusting tool, the Accustim. However, depending on what email provider you’re with, this may have landed in your inbox instead as a description vs an actual image. Oops! Sorry about that. Here is, in fact, what it looks like:   I promise it’s far less intimidating than it appears. 😉  One of the takeaways of that email was how the repetitive woodpecker-like action of the Accustim helps “interrupt” and repeat the manual touch of your chiropractor so the neurologic feedback is more consistent throughout [...]

Your Most Important Ritual For Working From Home2020-09-29T15:00:45-04:00

When You Should Not Use A Chiropractor


Quick story: I recently reconnected with a former patient, Marie. We just happened to pass each other on the street and have a brief chat a few months ago.  Marie then came back to the clinic last week and gave me the lowdown on some recent symptoms (hip, side-of-her-leg and knee pain, which she has a history of) and how she hoped for some relief, as walking was becoming less comfortable. So, out of transparency, I did my full re-evaluation (it’s been more than 7 years). What I discovered was plenty of the “usual suspects” of stress & time-induced subluxation.  However, her biggest [...]

When You Should Not Use A Chiropractor2020-07-28T18:16:51-04:00

Mechanist or Vitalist? (Find Out What Works For Better Health)


When you understand this key difference, it’ll empower you to make clearer choices for your health. What is it? The mechanistic vs. the vitalistic approach to healing. Typically medical doctors are mechanists.  They view the body as a sort of biological ‘machine’ with a series of parts, each requiring their own attention.  A cardiologist looks after your heart.  A neurologist looks after your nervous system.  A gastroenterologist deals with the digestive system.  And so on and so forth. A typical (but thankfully not always) medical intervention can involve drugs or surgery to repair, or even remove a ‘faulty’ part.  While there [...]

Mechanist or Vitalist? (Find Out What Works For Better Health)2020-06-30T17:41:36-04:00

Top 4 Biggest Pain Myths


Today I’m laying down a trail of bread crumbs that, if you follow it, might just lead you (or anyone you care about) to be pain-free, or far closer to it. So without further suspense, here are my Top 4 Biggest Pain MYTHS: “It’s better just to lie in bed.” It’s a common misbelief that the answer to pain is simply to rest it.  This one’s been debunked for a while actually - research shows that most painful conditions need some sort of movement in order to heal.  Movement helps blood flow, preserves muscle strength, and prevents fear that inhibits recovery. What type [...]

Top 4 Biggest Pain Myths2020-06-17T15:01:01-04:00

Why I Chose My Primary Adjusting Technique


Here’s a little back story on how I came to do adjustments the Dr. Josh signature way: My preferred method is known as the Thompson Drop-Table Technique. Basically, while the patient is lying face down, the cushions on the table drop slightly when a thrust is applied to the spine.  I find subluxations, weak/stress points, distressed areas, and where to adjust you by checking (and comparing) leg length. I’ve honed this technique for the better part of my career.  More recently though, I’ve reintroduced a few spare techniques and tools when we aren’t achieving the best results – and it may involve a [...]

Why I Chose My Primary Adjusting Technique2020-06-09T14:26:13-04:00
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