Neck pain

How To Read Your Body’s Pain Signals


Pain comes in many forms. Is it local muscular or joint pain?  Or is it NERVE pain?  Having at least a hunch about what kind of pain it is empowers you to know where to turn for help.  Here are a few guidelines to help you “make sense” of what’s happening to your body…especially since MD’s often don’t know or don’t help isolate the source of pain. Muscle Pain Muscle pain typically shows up as a big dull ache or a feeling of tightness, and might even feel 'general' in nature.  Another way to think about this is the pain is [...]

How To Read Your Body’s Pain Signals2020-01-14T11:55:53-05:00

Prevent “Tech Neck” With This Simple Exercise


“Those who think they have not time for bodily exercise will sooner or later have to find time for illness.” - Edward Smith-Stanley Hi all, Today I’ve got another great resource for you. A big shout out goes out to my patient Jackie for sharing this site with me: Its creator, Katy Bowman, is a biomechanist and best-selling author. Here’s a quote from her I found interesting: ==== “I propose that movement, like food, is not optional; that ailments you may be experiencing are simply (and complexly) symptoms of movement hunger in response to a movement diet that is dangerously [...]

Prevent “Tech Neck” With This Simple Exercise2019-12-03T14:00:10-05:00

How would YOU help these people?


Take a minute and look at the picture below.                 Now let me ask you a question: How would you help these people? The man covering his ears probably can’t hear that well, would you give him a hearing aid? Should the woman in the middle get glasses? What about the man on the right?  A microphone?  Maybe some meds? What drugs would you prescribe for these folks to help them hear, see and speak? You’re right. These are ridiculous suggestions to fix obvious problems. If they’d just remove the interference (i.e. their hands [...]

How would YOU help these people?2019-11-05T12:37:39-05:00

Why You Should NOT See A Chiropractor For Back Pain


In 1927, R. W. Stephenson wrote The Chiropractic Text Book. This text included the entire learning program, from freshman to senior year, for chiropractic study.  Since back and neck pain are the two most common reasons people choose chiropractic, how many times do you think back pain would be found in the index? Keep in mind this is the complete chiropractic text at over 414 pages long. What’s your guess? 50 times? 100? Every page? The answer is [drum roll please]… Not even ONCE. And the reason it's not listed is because chiropractic was founded on principles of healing and well-being, [...]

Why You Should NOT See A Chiropractor For Back Pain2019-10-22T14:25:53-04:00

Why Your Pillows Might Be Killing Your Neck


It’s official. Baby Beverly joined our clan on Saturday evening.  Mom was a champ, and powered through to a healthy home arrival just 4 hours later (the beauty of using a midwife is that they come check on you the next day in the comfort of your home). Hayden’s “adapting” – he’ll be a great big brother when he comes to term with sharing his parents.  It’s been a busy few days for all of us… So I’m gonna keep this short and sweet. (She’s napping as I write this.  I probably should be too.) Anyway, since I’ve been fantasizing about [...]

Why Your Pillows Might Be Killing Your Neck2019-08-28T12:45:58-04:00

Did Marilyn Monroe Have A Bad Back?


Here’s an interesting fact for you: The one-and-only Marilyn Monroe developed her signature walk by hacking off the heel of one shoe.  I hear something like that and my chiropractor’s brain instantly thinks “compensation pattern”. What do I mean? Well, by changing the length of one leg, Monroe would set up a movement pattern that, if she continued it long enough, could only hurt the delicate musculoskeletal balance in her body.  She died young, at age 36. But I’d guess that if she’d lived longer, and kept walking that way, she’d have ended up with a bad back.  And that would [...]

Did Marilyn Monroe Have A Bad Back?2019-08-20T12:23:30-04:00

Which of these health problems do you want to fix?


Most people don’t think of it very often, but this crucial health factor lets you breathe easy and move better. It lifts a heavy load off your organs so they can function at their peak. It boosts your energy, and can help eliminate annoying neck pain, back pain, or shoulder pain…it can take your golf game to the next level, and make you better at almost any activity you love…it allows your muscles to work the way they want to, which can make you almost “injury-proof”. It even results in better sleeping patterns. What is this health ‘miracle’? Great posture. Turns [...]

Which of these health problems do you want to fix?2019-07-16T12:00:34-04:00

Helping Carpal Tunnel Syndrome with Chiropractic Care


Do you suffer from carpal tunnel syndrome? ...And feel like you’ve tried everything to recover from the symptoms associated with it? You may not have realized that chiropractic care can actually help with your CTS symptoms. It’s a common condition with more people getting diagnosed every year and being one of the most common surgeries performed here in North America. Common symptoms of CTS like tingling, burning, and numbness make it difficult to function on a daily basis, and you may even find that it’s a challenge to properly grasp things. While surgery and other treatments are available, chiropractic care may [...]

Helping Carpal Tunnel Syndrome with Chiropractic Care2018-12-04T19:46:13-05:00

What’s Causing Your Elbow Pain?


Are you experiencing elbow pain but you can’t seem to find the source of the problem? Often referred to as the “funny bone,” your elbow is a very sensitive place with many nerves running through the area. When you bump the ulnar nerve, you end up with that “funny” feeling that goes away shortly after.  When you have pain in the area, it’s sometimes referred to as “tennis elbow” or “golfer’s elbow”; but, what are these different elbow injuries and why does the area get injured easily? Read on to better understand your elbow pain and what’s causing it. Different forms of [...]

What’s Causing Your Elbow Pain?2018-12-04T15:05:58-05:00

Got Headaches? 5 Natural tips and tricks to help you avoid overmedicating.


"Not tonight honey, I've got a headache."  This line permeates my easily humoured mind whenever the word headache comes up, but in fact is a great reminder that for many of you out there, life comes to a complete HALT when a headache shows up: "I feel like my head is being squeezed (in a vice)", or, "I need a dark room. NOW" are never something to laugh or scoff at. I have conversations and comments shared about headaches every week in practice, and even outside of that through social connections - I hear a LOT about headaches.  And while they [...]

Got Headaches? 5 Natural tips and tricks to help you avoid overmedicating.2018-08-16T18:37:02-04:00
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