Toronto Chiropractor

Finding Your Sweet Spot: Why Athletes Need Both Movement AND Rest


For many active individuals, the phrase "no pain, no gain" has become something of a mantra. While dedication to your sport or fitness routine is admirable, the key to peak performance isn't just about pushing harder—it's about knowing when to push and when to pause. As an athlete or fitness enthusiast, you understand the importance of movement. Regular physical activity strengthens muscles, improves cardiovascular health, and enhances performance. Training sessions, practice games, and workouts are essential for skill development and maintaining a competitive edge. But here's what many don't realize: the magic doesn't happen during the workout—it happens during recovery. The [...]

Finding Your Sweet Spot: Why Athletes Need Both Movement AND Rest2024-11-25T17:00:32-05:00

Chiropractic and The Domino Effect of Health and Wellness


Have you ever set up a line of dominos, only to watch them all fall with a single touch? Your spine works similarly. When one part is out of alignment, it can trigger a cascade of effects throughout your body. Let's explore this fascinating domino effect and how chiropractic care can help reverse it. The Spine: Your Body's Command Center Your spine is more than just a structural support. It's the protective housing for your spinal cord, the interstate of information between your brain and your body. When your spine is properly aligned, it allows for optimal nerve flow throughout every [...]

Chiropractic and The Domino Effect of Health and Wellness2024-11-22T16:12:57-05:00

When Chiropractic Care Doesn’t Work


“Chiropractic won’t work for me.” “I got adjusted, and it didn’t do any good.” Our mindsets play a big role in our health.  We may come to a doctor, or even a gym or nutritionist with certain expectations. You may anticipate certain results if you’ve been referred or have heard great things about a particular field, such as chiropractic.  Or maybe your mindset is rooted in desperation and exhaustion. If you’re at the end of your rope, then you’re tired of dealing with symptoms - you need relief and you need it yesterday! Whatever the case may be, often we approach [...]

When Chiropractic Care Doesn’t Work2023-11-10T20:01:06-05:00

Live A Lifestyle That Supports Brain Health


If you’re like me and you love a lifestyle of wellness, you have various health goals. Is your brain health at the top of the list?  That may seem like a silly question; of course, we know the brain is important! While we can survive having an appendix or gallbladder removed, or even have a heart or lung transplant, our brain remains absolutely essential. However, we may be spending more time caring for and maintaining the parts of our body that call for attention urgently, rather than focusing on what is overall vital to our existence. For example, we brush our [...]

Live A Lifestyle That Supports Brain Health2022-03-03T10:55:22-05:00

6 Key Wellness Habits


In the “react and respond” health environment we live in, more people are becoming proactive (vs. reactive) about wellness. They’re turning to chiropractic, meditation, nutrition, yoga and exercise to improve their health. Why are they making this shift? Because they intuitively know wellness is more than the absence of disease. Wellness is an expression of your highest potential as a human being. When you’re at your peak mentally, physically, chemically and spiritually, the possibilities are endless! Wellness is more than just reacting to problems and illness. It’s about "right and wrong." Rather than focus on what’s ‘wrong’ with you or what [...]

6 Key Wellness Habits2021-09-10T17:21:08-04:00

This Made Me Think Of You


Allow me tell you a quick personal story. On Valentine’s Sunday, my son Hayden made a trip to the hospital for a few chin stitches, after a run-in with a pole during tobogganing. Now don’t worry – Hayden is ok, and enjoying the return to school almost as much as his exhausted parents! Aside from a big band-aid altering his jaw opening “comfort”, he was himself again just a few hours later. (Kids bounce back so fast, don’t they?) But when the dust finally settled after our hectic day, my chiropractor’s brain finished connecting a few dots…and it prompted this note. [...]

This Made Me Think Of You2021-02-17T20:03:26-05:00

4 Gentle Exercises For Low Back Pain


With many folks more sedentary these days (and working in ad hoc home office setups), low back pain complaints are all too common.To make matters worse, our first instinct is often to do nothing, and rest. While this may make sense in acute cases or during flare-ups, avoiding exercise can lead to a cycle of weaker muscles and MORE pain in the long run.Here, then, are 4 gentle full-body moves you can do to lessen the pain over time (Note: If you can’t quite picture how any of the above exercises go, each exercise is linked to a YouTube search for [...]

4 Gentle Exercises For Low Back Pain2021-02-09T19:59:53-05:00

Why Would A Healthy Athlete Use A Chiropractor?


Here’s something to think about. With gym closures, so many people are becoming “road warriors” and turning to biking or running for fitness.  Injuries from these types of activities are on the rise. That said, even healthy, top-tier athletes like Tiger Woods and Tom Brady have turned to chiropractic care to give them an edge. Indeed, A study by Anthony Lauro D.C. and Brian Mouch, D.C. showed how athletic ability can be enhanced by chiropractic care. The study looked at healthy athletes who didn’t have any musculoskeletal injuries. The goal for these athletes wasn’t to diagnose disease, but to pinpoint subluxations that could [...]

Why Would A Healthy Athlete Use A Chiropractor?2020-11-10T18:11:51-05:00

Your Most Important Ritual For Working From Home


Before we get into today’s content, a correction.In last week’s email I added an image of my new adjusting tool, the Accustim. However, depending on what email provider you’re with, this may have landed in your inbox instead as a description vs an actual image. Oops! Sorry about that. Here is, in fact, what it looks like:   I promise it’s far less intimidating than it appears. 😉  One of the takeaways of that email was how the repetitive woodpecker-like action of the Accustim helps “interrupt” and repeat the manual touch of your chiropractor so the neurologic feedback is more consistent throughout [...]

Your Most Important Ritual For Working From Home2020-09-29T15:00:45-04:00

Meet The Accustim: A New Tool For “Wow” Adjustments


Say hello to my little friend! (I couldn’t resist the reference!) The Accustim is a new adjusting tool I’ve recently added to my toolbox. I’ve already received MANY positive comments on its results and two patients have coined it the “woodpecker”. 😊 What’s it all about? Glad you asked. This simple device uses a series of tiny thrusts to help us chiropractors produce “wow” adjustments and potentially huge improvements in range of motion. And since it feels almost somewhat like a massage, it’s perfect for patients who find traditional adjustments too forceful…it jives with my “gentle” approach…AND it allows me to easily modulate [...]

Meet The Accustim: A New Tool For “Wow” Adjustments2020-09-22T13:19:37-04:00
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